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Everything posted by mallway

  1. Update, Things are somewhat better. We now have a new DE and a charter org. We still have no money by which to operate. Our council is hard to work with and not very organized. I'm just tooting along with my boys minding our own business.I'm just hoping to get my boys through this next year and send thewm off into the boy scouts. It is my prayer that not very many families have the kinds of organizatioal problems that we have experienced. This has not been a pleasant experience and has left a dark mark on the scouting program in my area.
  2. Wow! You all are great. Thanks for all the great advice. I feel a little better and a lot less like I'm going to drown. I have ordered the leader book(it took two weeks to come in,I'll pick it up Thursday) and although I am very frustrated with our council and lack of leadership and organization I think I'll be able to cope with scouters like you to help me.I contacted our District Commissioner and the nearest roundtable meeting is 40 miles away. And they meet on the exact day and time as my den meetings!GO Figure. Thanks again for the help.
  3. I am a newbie to being a den leader(Webelos). We are also a brand new pack(that is getting no help or training from our council) Needless to say I am completely overwhelmed. I have had four den meetings and I have a total of six boys. The material that we have to cover seems to be so much and my cubmaster wants the boys to achieve one activity badge per month.While I agree that I want the boys to be awarded badges at the pack meeting, I also know that we would have to meet twice a week to accomplish covering all this material. I feel like a schoolteacher with no lesson plan. I have no materials like what is provided for the Bears, Tigers etc to plan my meetings by. I feel like I just wing things all the time and alot of the meeting is boring classroom stuff. Currently we are working on our fitness badge. Food pyrimids, safety notebooks...blah...I have boys that want to run and DO stuff with their hands and feet. Can anyone help?
  4. Update. We just got home from our first pack meeting even though things are a little unstable. We parents decided to have it anyway. It was a blast! the kids had so much fun and the parents did too. We decided to not let the "politics" get in the way of our boys having a good time. I'm sure everything will smooth out in the end. It usually does. Thanks for all the help.
  5. The volunteer is DELETED. He has been in scouting for over forty years. I know very little, other than he did my training last weekend and he was the recruiter. Every thing looked and seemed official at the meetings, but our DE says that none of the trainings or meetings were approved by the council. She knew nothing of what this DELETED was doing. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  6. On September 2nd the parents from our schools system were invited to sign up our boys to cub scouts. When we got there we find out that if we want our boys to be in cub scouts we had to sign up as den leaders for a new pack. The man that was doing the recruiting said that the old pack had died and this was a new pack. We parents begrugingly signed on to be leaders for the sake of our boys. Now we are in the middle of a war between our DE and a volunteer recruiter. What should we do?Ask me any specifics. I'll be happy to answer, just tell me what you need to know to help us out.
  7. The DE is supposed to return my call soon. What are the questions that I need to be asking? I'm so new to all of this and if it weren't for the fact that my son loves being a scout I'd be so out of here. What responsibilities does the charter org have? They are new to this also and Father Joel is a friend of the fellow that our council has told us to stay away from. If I want to keep my son in cub scouts can I get away from this council?Really bad things are going on here.
  8. Okay, here are the details as I know them. We "sort of" have a charter org. I say this because the paper work is in ,but the church still has to have a parish meeting to vote on it. This could take a couple of weeks. We are scheduled to have our first pack meeting tonight. Of course this is supposed to be fun for the boys, but one of the fellows that is part of the trouble said he will be there. Our council says to make him leave and not to pay any attention to him or his followers. I don't want the kids to be upset by any confrontations.This has the feel of something very messy.
  9. I am a brand new Webelos Den leader. I have a wonderful son that has really taken up with cub scouting. Here's what is going on. Our council is a mess.(Shawnee Trails) There is much fighting and horrible name calling and nashing of teeth between our district executive and the man who had a meeting to get all of us to join this newly formed pack. It has been said that he had no authority to have this meeting and ,although they took our money, we are not recognized as a pack. I have parents droppping out like flies because of all this turmoil. I have four wonderful boys in my den and don't want to disappoint them. Does anyone have any advise to help us get through this? I've really been disappointed in the lack of leadership and total chaios of this organization. Help us.
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