To answer some of the questions.
They said they filled out the top portion of the Leaders form but their CC did not put the words "Transfer of position" on the form. I do know they did not pay another registration fee.
The CC & CM have refused to sign our form to allow us our position, but they have signed up two new Assist. CM for next year and NO they do not have any other boys, so their future in Cub Scouting is over. This is a control thing for the leaving CM.
The vote was with the pack leadership, this was done because the majority of the den leaders did not like who they (CC, CM & Assist. CM)were choosing for CC. The COR is never involve in anything. The CM calls him and it what ever you want. Since they broke down to the pressure they did not get their pick for CC, so now they are trying to remove me as CC. So they have labled me a trouble maker, stated the vote was invaid and have upset the whole pack to a point that leaders and scouts are leaving. The DE does not want to disrupt anything anymore than they already are.
Thanks for your help, because I need it.