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Everything posted by Madmax

  1. Because he wanted to ride with his only friend, and no driver really wants these two scouts in their cars, and the other scouts don't want to ride with these two either..Both of these two scouts parents go with them on every camp out. Both scouts have issues, but the ASM's son has more issues than the other, and the ASM says his son has no issues. He is in DENIAL... My suggestion was to have the ASM's son get back in his car and be done with it. But, the Other driver said, "Oh then my son has to ride with No one. These two leaders are a real piece of work.
  2. So Many Scouts wanted to drive in the van because they are all friends, and the van has a CD player, but the driver of the van also, has a few scouts that they choose not to transport!! So, YES, the ASM son was the cause for another scout being singled out. As for Youth Protection, Two Deep Leadership: A vehicle must have either two scouts and a leader, or two leaders and a scout. The only time there can be a single scout in a car is if the driver is their parent.
  3. I thank the first two responses! And to the Last one Yes there is an issue...I recently was a driver for a campout and the Scouts who chose to ride in my van lined up. The ASM in charge of the camp out had his son ride with a Committee Member and their son. SO, that left the ASM with only one scout in his car that was not his son. The ASM then said a scout will now have to ride with me and no one wanted to because he is not liked. The ASM then had the SPL do an elimination game. The Scout that lost had no idea what was going on. The scouts mother was present and was not happy. She confronted the situation letting Leadership know she was not happy, and told them That she and her scout had the right to make the choice who the scout rides with and that since she did not know this ASM she was not comfortable. The ASM then proceed to argue with her in front of the scouts. His comment was to the tune of If you are in Scouting and can't trust all the leaders whether you know them or not you need to go else where. The Good Turn to this Story is that I had a Older Scout that just aged out step up an switch places with the Scout, and talk with the Mother so she felt comfortable. Unfortunately, the aged out scout was not treated with respect all weekend.
  4. If the mother of a boy scout is not comfortable with a certain ASM, can the parent have the final say in who the scout travels with? And where would I find info to back this up?
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