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m-mckai1's Achievements

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  1. Our council charged $1900 last jambo this year it is $2000. The troops went to New York City then stayed 2 nights in Washington DC. Will go to the Summit on Monday. The problem I have is our council is trying to turn this into a fund raiser for the council by cutting side trips out at the last minute and holding back funds. Right now they are planning for a $7000- $10,000 surplus that won;t go to the scouts but be funneled into the general fund. I don't think that is right. What are other councils doing with surplus funds after Jambo?
  2. our troop does a spaghetti supper this was 36th annual and our 2nd biggest with over 1700 tickets sold $6.00 adults $4.00 12yr and under dine in or carry out. Start cooking pasta at 6:00 am and start serving 4pm. We make our own sauce and serve garlic bread celery/carrots and choice of dessert. The split is 60% to the troop and 40% to the scout.. Sell 25 get a custom neckerchief slide and a ticket for a $50 drawing every 25 additional get a $5 bonus and another ticket. Sell over 100 tickets and get a special prize.
  3. The wreck occured in Wyoming on state highway 120. The scouts were 17, 17, & 16
  4. On June 30 2012 the husband of a scouting friend of mine drifted left headon into a rv killing him and 3 scouts on the way back from camp. It was his first summer camp with the troop. A fourth victim was a 4 year old in the rv. The scouting world will miss them all.
  5. Our troop had dwindled to about 6 active scouts we started hosting a webelos weekend where the scouts taught 3 activities the first year and 6 belt loops this year. I expect to crossover 14 webelos to the troop this year and at least 1 transfer scout. Never did I or any of my leaders ask to join our troop we just interacted with the webelos and parents. Just reach out to webelos and boys and your ranks will grow
  6. We took a crew to ntier 5 scouts 3 leaders the first week of August had a great time covered 63 miles had no problems canoeing or portaging. The scouts suprised us in the lack of complaining the work ethic in camp the cooperation they exceeded our expectations. I carried a canoe all except the first portage at Prairie Portage where I rolled my left ankle. Was sore the first day but ok after that. Spent a layover day on Agnes Lake caught lake trout walleye pike and small mouth bass. Commisary errored and didnt send any oil to cook the fish so we cooked it on a granite slab. Weight training not as important as endurance training found myself huffing on some of the longer portages ie the B & the B. Had the best shower of my life when we got back to base camp, ate the best steak in Ely at the Ely steak house. Making plans to go back again within the next couple of years. Reccommend every troop to send a crew.
  7. We took a crew to ntier 5 scouts 3 leaders the first week of August had a great time covered 63 miles had no problems canoeing or portaging. The scouts suprised us in the lack of complaining the work ethic in camp the cooperation they exceeded our expectations. I carried a canoe all except the first portage at Prairie Portage where I rolled my left ankle. Was sore the first day but ok after that. Spent a layover day on Agnes Lake caught lake trout walleye pike and small mouth bass. Commisary errored and didnt send any oil to cook the fish so we cooked it on a granite slab. Weight training not as important as endurance training found myself huffing on some of the longer portages ie the B & the B. Had the best shower of my life when we got back to base camp, ate the best steak in Ely at the Ely steak house. Making plans to go back again within the next couple of years. Reccommend every troop to send a crew.
  8. our troop leadership has discussed the possibility of starting a facebook account for the troop. any concerns or problems with improper photos posted. how to control the content
  9. In our troop the boy scout uniform shirt is requeired for all board of review with sash and at meetings during the school year. During the summer bsa themed t shirt may be worn to meetings but class a for BOR. If they dont want to wear the uniform shirt then why are they in scouts. All boys know this when they join that they need a shirt with proper emblems on it. If money is a problem then the troop will help out.
  10. member of bear patrol c-10-08 bears top of the food chain
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