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Shannon Hills, AR
Ltfightr's Achievements

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This is the one I used when I made mine for my Webs Cross over. I used Rayon floss for them so they were a bit shiny and I used the arrow kit from the Scout Store.
I'm a Cubmaster for a pack and I've had some good luck with the beascout website. My biggest complaint is if I have to play phone tag (it happens, everyone has a life), they don't leave a message just their phone number on the caller ID. Please, talk to my machine! It's a nice one. I need the reminder about your name is from my Cub Scout Pack and not my troop or district committee. At least until I get you firm in my mind. (What state are you in, if I can ask?) Diana Cubmaster Pack 32 Benton, AR
I would do them again if we had new Webelos at the start of the school year. If all of the Scouts in that den went to summer camp then maybe not. But I would be sure to let him and his parents know he won't earn AoL without those. I always repeat the major stuff in den meetings after summer. It won't hurt the other boys to go over it again and they can "help" teach it. But we have always gotten new scouts coming into 4th and even 5th grades.
Yeah, I have one that does that the stare thing. Not mine! But one of the Pack. With him, it gets a WHOLE lot worse when he's tired. Not much help. Sorry.
Does he seem "lost" while you are giving instrutions? Could it be he has a learning disability/senory issuses they aren't telling you about? My DS has a problem that looks like ADD/hearing loss so he takes clues to what he should be doing from the other boys sometimes and if you didn't know it, it would sort of look like he was hanging back, doing nothing, or being counter productive. But, The Troop knows about his problems.
Does he seem "lost" while you are giving instrutions? Could it be he has a learning disability/senory issuses they aren't telling you about? My DS has a problem that looks like ADD/hearing loss so he takes clues to what he should be doing from the other boys sometimes and if you didn't know it, it would sort of look like he was hanging back, doing nothing, or being counter productive. But, The Troop knows about his problems.
Oh, I know. It's not about your post count..it's about the job you do. Or is it that "KNOT" LOL (See, I've been here a while!lol)
When does some one become a "senior member"? OK, I'm more posting to see what it says next to my name. lol
Quote: So do the scouts qaulify for the award after completing one of the 4? So if my boy does the Science everywhere he gets the patch, then completes the 1-2-3 portion and gets the pin?? He seems like he's interested in it right now and want him to get started on it so he doesn't lose that fire. Right. The "first" one is the Patch and the other 3 are the pins. "First" being which ever one they pick to start on. My DS just finished the Super Nova award for Webelos! He had to do some research, then write reports on them and pick an experiment, do it with the Mentor, and then write a report about what he learned. My Council does have a STEM Adviser with the Council who will find a Mentor to work with you. He was like a MBC, which isn't a bad thing concerning he Crosses Over in 1 month. Gets them uses to working with someone who isn't Mom, Dad, or their Leader. Diana Cubmaster Pack 32 Benton, AR
Why doesn't the Pack pay the Troops themselves? Collect the dues like always and then at the Cross-Over cut a check for however many boys are going to that troop? Or charge them a pro-rated price. Divide the yearly due by however many months you meet and then add the monthly amount for however long they will be there. Of course, you would need the monthly amount for either way. Diana
True.....and sorry about that. This is a sore subject for me sometimes.
Hum.... my son is a Web 2. I tie his shoes for him a lot. He has a disability that causes weak hand control sometimes. You wouldn't know it by looking at him but sometimes after a long hard day to a park he just doesn't have the ability to tie his shoe well enough for it to stayed tie more than 2 minutes. It's nice to know that instead of thinking of WHY mom is tying the shoe, you jump to the conclusion of "mom is babying him and he needs to get out from in under her wing". FYI: my son has completed 25 miles on his 100 mile hiking patch. Without me. Or his Dad. Just the troop. Don't jump to conclusions or judge what you don't know.
We do the "whole pack together" thing. We've always been small with all the boys from the same school so it worked for families that had more than one kid. A normal meeting is the boys play for a bit. Come in and a different Den does the Opening Flag. I(CM) give any annoucments for the up coming month. Then, I'll ask each Den Leader to tell what they are working on that night (the boys like that 'cus the younger one get a hint of what to look forward to and the older ones like saying how cool it was). If a Den is meeting somewhere eles (ie, Fire Station or Zoo) they just don't come that week and I'll say where they are. We don't do a closing in case some one runs long or if they have a short meeting. I've never had any parent not join because of meeting on the same night or complain about it. In fact since I've become CM, we've grown from 6 boys to 25-30 depending on the week. Diana
That is what I bet is going to happen when this young man moves to a troop! He does it sometimes when we go camp, not wanting to help put up his tent (he sleeps in his own next to his parents), not help cook with the other Webs, not help clean up. I have told him that if he doesn't help/do it he won't get credit for doing it. Luckly I havn't had to not sign off on something yet. And I think the parent relise I mean what I say after an outing a couple of months ago. Diana
I said "WORKING". They don't have them yet . They start 5th grade in September. That is what I thought. He won't put forth the effort to do it unless I push him to. I know he can. His dad was his wolf and bear DL and he would always "do" his project at home as the demo and then not work on it in the den claiming he did it at home. The dad would make everyone prove what they did(if another mom said they named tools at home, the scout would have to bring them to the next meeting and tell HIM the names before signing off)but his chid never did and would get mad when I would ask about it. And yes I know that it was wrong! As soon as I found out about that and several other things, he was removed as a leader. Sometimes I feel that I let my feelings about this family cloud my judgement on what I know is the right way to do things. Because I just don't want to deal with them. I really don't think he will make it in Boy Scouts because he will have to do the work. Diana Cubmaster Pack 32