I can't tell you how much I appreciate the responses I have received. I just found this site, and it's scary how long a person can spend just reading different threads.
As to some of the replies:
Yes, there are two other existing units in my area. One is perfect, everything I would want my son's troop to be. And if I ended up being SM of a new troop, this would be my model.And the SM, a great guy, would fill my need for a mentor. Problem is, they limit their roster, and there would only be 1 or 2 openings when my son crossed. They believe in providing an excellent program for a smaller group instead of the "We have 78 scouts on our roster" but only 20 at the meeting type of troop. Because of this, the group I have had since TC would be broken up, and I feel some would drop out if they split from their friends. I know as a father it should be my son first, above all others. But I wouldn't be able to shake the feeling of turning my back on the other boys and their parents, who have also become good friends, just because my son got into the "good troop".
The other troop is a well established, boy led, but a bit unorganized unit. At this troop, the SM is looking for a replacement. He deserves it, he has been a dedicated SM for almost 20 yrs. He would like for me to bring my guys in, show me the ropes for a few years, and then have me take over. The problem here is that I have some personal issues (not heavy, just not the most agreeable people)with a few of the parents that are already involved, and I could see some head-butting in the future. Another thing is the CC will need to be replaced soon, so I don't know where that is heading. The biggest question is, in two years do I get to run the troop as I see fit, or is it a "We do it this way" atmosphere.
The appeal of the new unit is the CO feels like home, the freedom to do it right the first time, and my Web parents are into the idea. The problems are, it's a new unit and I'm a new SM.
Sorry to ramble on about my troubles like this, I'm normally more fun. And I'm not sure this place is meant to be my whining post.
But thanks just the same for everything. ANY help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Confused Beaver