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Everything posted by LovetoCamp

  1. Oh My!!! Sent my Tigers and the neighbor boy to school today in their new Tiger Uniforms. Was that cute or what? My neighbor said she didn't have to wake him up this morning, he pooped out of bed and asked if he could put his uniform on. My ulterior motive is to sign up the whole first grade tonight!!!! P
  2. Uncle, Let's have that cup of coffee at Gettsyburg on Saturday April 2nd. P Hops, did I ask you if you wanted to go with?
  3. What about some Saturday Night Campfie ideas? Is the crew out of Bethlehem going to MC the campfire? We'll have to learn a Sea Shanty. arrrrr me bucko
  4. I sent an email to a friend who works at our K-8 to see what he thought of the idea and who did he think would be up to signing on immediately. Our Boatswain (Boats), who starts as offensive guard and defensive tackle's team won 41-6 against those city boys from Chicago last night. The people sitting around me lost it, when I asked my son, "Matt, did you see that pass?" and he said, "Dad, look a tractor, John Deere!" He's not a gamer yet. Favorite colors are still Caterpillar Yellow and John Deere Green. I won't tell.
  5. Cool....Science Teacher = chemistry, astronomy, and weather. More, give me, more!!!! Keep 'em coming.
  6. Has anyone provided this program to your units lately? How'd it go.
  7. My half-beaver, half-bird patrol guide mentioned an idea of registering your local teachers as merit badge counselors. Back in the day, I got my merit badges done at camp and when I got on the phone called the counselors, set the appointments, and went to their place of work or home to get the tasks completed. I don't think any of our scouts have earned any merit badges outside of camp or at meetings. What if......we signed up teachers to serve as MB counselors? Comments? More importantly, what teacher could you marry up job related merit badges for? Reading MB = English teacher. Sports, Personal Fitness, Athletics = PE teacher. Let's build this list. Go!!!
  8. uniquely qualified!!! Right. God Bless you. 5 future Eagles and a prima ballerina.
  9. Bring them home!!! Let some German boy pull his own guard duty on the rainy muddy back 40 in Neu Ulm. If he finds half a schnitzel sandwich....it's mine.
  10. Who served in Europe? US Army, 93rd Signal Brigade, Heilbronn, Germany & 56th Field Artillery, Neu Ulm, Germany
  11. the atheist troll contributed to his church fund. vaya con Wheeler
  12. I served in a communications unit where a sizeable number of us were shipping out to Saudi Arabia to fill gaps in other units. The Saturday night prior to us leaving the beautiful city of Neu Ulm, we had a going away party. The pub was owned by an American Sergeant and his German wife, he wasn't going with us, and wasn't very well liked, but we liked his pub. Anyway, we were almost to the point of group singing, when someone smarted off to a group of young infantry guys, who weren't going to the desert. Something was said like, "you jokers stay awake on guard duty and keep the area around the dumpsters clean." Whoa Woohoo. Bar fight. Dukes were flying, glasses were flying, women were screaming in two languages!!! Never saw anything like it. Right out of a John Wayne movie. Five minutes later, the wail of the Polizei vans was heard coupled with the MP sirens. The Polizei had German Shepards with them. The MPs looked angry. Polizei to my left. MPs with batons to my right. Trail Pounder had just got promoted to staff sergeant the week before. Geronimo. It was about an eight foot drop down into some weeds and onto the Danube river walk, didn't hesitate, up and over, thump and I'm off. Down the walk, up the stairs, and into a taxi I went. Back to the Kaserne. As I walked from the gate to my barracks, here comes two MP vans filled with my soldiers and buddies, and they were all waving and yelling at me. I am so busted. Got yelled at by the first sergeant, the captain, and our sergeant major, nothing official, the CO said, "What should we do with them, send them to war?" Germany was so much fun. I can't believe I got paid.
  13. We new we were having twin boys for five months, then went to Chicago to Rush Pres St. Lukes, where they have a modern ultra sound machine and the doc says, here is twin A, here is twin B, here is twin A, here is twin B, here is, here is, he was silent for what seemed like 20 minutes, and said "twin C". My stunned wife, said "SHUT UP" I said "cool". She doesn't want to be in Brownies.....she wants to be a Tiger too. She's in ballet with her cousin, she'll get over it. Plus, she doesn't care for the smell of dad's feet in the tent, no sir, not one bit.
  14. and it's damaging our self-esteem. A junior who was a certified open water diver and was somewhat knowledgeable at sailing showed up at our open house. She and her mom seemed genuinely interested in joining, but we never saw or heard from them again. Maybe it was our first wreck of a sailboat we displayed proudly, or could she, a junior, had noticed that she was among a mutinous band of freshman sea dogs???? Who knows, we never heard or saw from them again. Her loss.
  15. We want them to join, but no girls have joined yet.
  16. Could those who have experience in a co-ed crew or ship please tell me what the advantage would be for our co-ed ship to truly go co-ed. Do co-ed crews work better? Do they last longer? Are they more youth-led? Are they more active? Is there more achievement? Thanks in advance for any answers!!!!
  17. I just have triplets. We have identicle twin boys (Wrecking Crew)and the great princess of all princesses, Emily the Great. Super twins I am sure is a way of saying more than two. Triplets, quads, quints. Yahoo!!! Mine are Tigers, but I am the Sea Scout Skipper. We're a Rifle Team that Sails!!! I take my kids with the Sea Scouts a lot. Two Sailing trips ago, the big boys spotted a beach full of girl scouts in beach wear, they had to go for a walk as soon as we got back to our camp.....I sent my guys with them.........MR. SKIPPER they whined, I said they're cute, girls like cute.
  18. There's a lot of slug parents out there. They have to get an A for effort for for let's say getting those new Tigers to the right location.....if we send them away because their parents are slugs, we lose the kids forever. So, do the parents get onboard when threatened or do you send the young Tiger home crying?
  19. BW, danke sehr!!! I'll call now.
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