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Everything posted by LovetoCamp
Hunt, you can't say Spirited.
In days of old when Knights were bold...
LovetoCamp replied to Eamonn's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
My post might have slightly strayed from your line of thought Eamonn...... just a ti ti bit!!! -
In days of old when Knights were bold...
LovetoCamp replied to Eamonn's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Exactly. Instead of little Sioux kids playing kick ball with the little white kids, you have grown ups just blasting away at these little kids with their hate. My kids are 6. They aren't now and never were in the 7th Cavalry in the 1880's. My kids, nor I, nor any of their ancestors owned slaves. Actually my kids ancestors slaved away building the Illinois & Michigan Canal for minimal wages and faced discrimination for their being Irish. I want some reperations!!! No bucks, no peace!!! So when the hippy dippy malcontents and their allies in Hollyweird want to call Christopher Columbus a genocidal maniac, I'm not buying in. When George Washington is denigrated, I'm not agreeing with it and I'm not going to "go along". Revisionist malcontents are doing the same hatchet job on Baden-Powell and W.D. Boyce, their agenda is certainly not the search for knowledge. What is their ulterior motive? Comments? I think tonight, we'll make some Cub Scout popcorn and watch John Wayne in "The Sands of Iow Jima". We love John Wayne. -
In days of old when Knights were bold...
LovetoCamp replied to Eamonn's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
George Washington DID cut down that cherry tree and when asked by his father he said, "I can not tell a lie." Christopher Columbus was a Great explorer and sailor and discovered America in 1492. Abe Lincoln split rails and rassled and was born in a three walled cabin in the winter!!! Robert E. Lee was a great honorable general of the Southerners. Baden-Powell was a Great man who founded this Great movement. There's no need to buy into or believe some revisionist malcontent with a warped ulterior motive, on any of our great legends or history. It's my life, I will believe what I believe until I believe otherwise. The Cherry Tree story is just the ticket for a Tiger Club Den Leader Closing!!! Thanks Eamonn!!!! -
Does anyone go to the U.S. Grant Pilgrimage in Galena, IL any longer? We never missed it back in the day.
Mollie, I'd like to add some additional information. The five youth, two of which are primary to the unit, along with the full compliment of adult positions is the national standard. BUT, the Council Scout Executive has the discretion to stiffen those requirements. He does have the ability to ask for five non-co-registered youth before chartering a unit. Two things come to mind, you could have the five youth change their registration to the new crew and not be co-registered with the troops they were in previously. Or, if these boys want to start a crew. Have them recruit five of their friends to fill the quota the SE has set. That's an even better idea. P
New Asst. Scoutmaster in Iraq needs advice
LovetoCamp replied to robert.lee.donaldson's topic in New to Scouting?
seascout.org -
Ever notice how people who have been called a racist immediately go defensive and backpeddle and just have to prove to the guy throwing the bomb that he is JUST NOT ONE OF THOSE RACISTS. Then you have to hear, "Well I have a friend who is black." I hate when people do what boleta did, so BANG, he's on my squelched list going forward. There's my reply.
If he served in a troop in a poor black and hispanic neighborhood, why can't he say he served in a troop in a poor black and hsipanic neighborhood? Sounds like a fact and part of his background to me. A litte uber-the-top on the thought policing there guy.
http://www.drillpad.net/DPcolorguard.htm Try this link. I have this vision of a Sea Scout Precision Color Guard, but it's way way back in the fog. Dress Whites, white gloves, white spats, white pistol belt, white scarf, and a high-speed, low-drag Quartermaster distributing commands....man, beautiful!!!!
A Solution to any and all your Chartered Org probs....The American Legion!!! # Eagle Scout of the Year # Scouting Square Knot Award Scouting Program Support for the Boy Scout movement came at The American Legion's first National Convention in 1919. Today, there are more than 2,500 Boy Scout units sponsored by Legion Posts throughout the country. Supporting Boy Scout activities is natural for Legionnaires, who bring their service-learned skills and experiences as veterans to bear to help build character and positive traits in "Young America." Few other Post activities generate more goodwill from the community. Trail "Legionnaire" Pounder
Well, at the round-up, my high-speed, low-drag Co-Den Leader told all the parents that Tigers were to have an adult partner, no exception, and not our rule, but we're enforcing it. lo-and-behold, one of the Mom's comes and starts to leave. My other Den-Leader said I looked like a deer caught in head lights. She told the mom that Adult partners were mandatory, and they were told that at round up. She sent the boy home with his mom. I almost hurled at the idea of sending the kid home. That's just not my way. Mrs. Co-Den Leader called the mom later and tried to work out a solution and offered up her husband to sub as an adult partner when they couldn't make it, the woman started getting pissy after all of our give and give. Now, I'm thinking of some of the horror stories I've read in this forum about gnarling parents and probaly am glad we won't be dealing with her in the future. Went well, except for the gnarly one. C'mon Tigers give me a growl....GRRRRRRRRROWL
So, the command prior to when the wishy washy hippie dippies of the 60's changed it to "two" was "Order Arms"? I say we change it back.
As one who was on the ground living in a hole in the sand, a SCUD magnet, during the greatest Cavalry Charge in history, all I have to say to those Eagle drivers and their crews.....I love you guys!!! But, I really really love those A-10 guys. My heroes!!!
Super, Maybe we can spend the first two days at Tuckahoe and then move to McMillan Woods on the 1st and have our Fantastic Old Grey Eagle led campfire on the 2nd at McMillan Woods. We're bringing our Ship and two small troops.
And good luck to you Madam. By the way, Sea Scouts is a division of Venturing. Sea Scouts can form a Ship in the same manner as a Crew, and the youth can work towards Eagle, Sea Scout Quartermaster, and all the Venturing Awards: Bronze, Gold, Silver, and the awesome Ranger Award. I hope you get your new Crew to Rock too!!!! P
Okay Mollie, The National Policy is five youth to start a unit, the minimum is two of the five being primarily registered with the crew. Two of them can be primarily registered with the new crew and be co-registered with their troop. The other three if Boy Scouts can mailtain their registration with the troop and be co-registered with the crew. I've no documentation, just that what I thought coupled with the two persons that confirmed it, is as good as hearing it from the burning bush. One person said he has heard in his years a unit being started with less than 5 youth members, but BSA National has to approve it, and said SE have more discretion than most people who have you imagine. Nobody could come up with any idea why the SE would make these demands, unless he was clueless as to the guidelines of new unit creation. Is there conflict in here we don't know about? The guideline is in the manuals that the professionals have in your council. Possible go the a neighboring council and ask for a photocopy of the page. Good Luck!!! P
A neighboring troop and their new Venture Patrol is coming to Gettysburg with us, doubling our numbers. Could anyone tell me what is the nearest scout camp? We may stay two days there and then move to McMillan Woods on April 1.
Mollie, Working on finding any documentation for you, but, our Ship (which started as a crew) was started in the manner I wrote. Five total, two being primarily registered with the crew. If I was able to get this done, than how can it be any different, unless the SE has discretion locally. P
Thanks for the opportunity
LovetoCamp replied to Bob White's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Bob White & Eamonn, It does take special people to not only attend the Woodbadge, but serve as instructors. I'm glad you both had great experiences teaching in your courses. My patrol agreed we had a unique scouting experience, a different course than the other students had. They had Woodbadge and we had Woodbadge Plus. This based on our own eyes and ears, but also in conversation with the others. Can you imagine what's going on in the mind of the poor soul who has Bob White, who forgot more about Scouting than Baden-Powell ever knew, as his ticket counselor? That poor guy must be ashen white, with shivers, and the cold sweats, gently rocking back and forth in a corner somewhere. He probably has thoughts of General Pickett, Amelia Earhart, Gallipoli, and Shackleford. Now, that'll be a ticket done correctly!!! P -
incredible increases in Tiger Cubs!!!
Of those five youth, were any of them required to hold their primary registration with the new crew? Can councils or districts lay on that 5 non-scout requirement? I'm thinking they wouldn't want to prohibit new units, or Mollie are you dealing with one person who is interpretting these requirments in the name of your council?
5 non-scouts is certainly not a requirement. We started our crew with 5 co-registered boys. We've had 2 non-scouts join since then, but we sure started that way, and the charter is hanging on the wall at the American Legion. Let me see if I can find a source for you Mollie..... Bob, help, please. P
Mollie, The new crew needs to have the full compliment of adult leaders, but to the best of my knowledge, two youth need to be primarily registered with the crew and three others may be co-registered with a Boy Scout troop. They don't have to be non-scouts, just the Primary registration needs to be changed with the Crew. P