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Everything posted by LovetoCamp

  1. I'd like to see you pull a 22' South Coast SC22, which btw, I owe you a thank you for the wise counsel in choosing a Sail Boat, with a Honda Hybrid. The 22' trailerable boat is perfect for our needs. Put a crew of Sea Scouts, food, gear, sails, 9.9 HP outboard, PFDs, and you have a load. When the wind doesn't blow, boy do we burn up some gas in the outboard while motor sailing. Incredible, but boy do we have a blast.
  2. I think he's an expert on Scouting. Lie and tell us you have a hybrid car?
  3. They decided when they found that they can't elect members to OA male or female, and the decided when they found that our female Shipmates can't belong, that the OA has not part in our Ship's meetings. A couple of our Ship's company do attend Boy Scout meetings and they wear their flap on their tan scout shirt. The Ship's Petty Officers set the rules, pretty sharp youngsters, I'll say, and all our crew members have had no problem following them. As many on this board have stated, and stated resolutely, that OA is a Boy Scout Society. It has also been hashed and rehashed here on this board that Venturing is a seperate, distinct program with different methods and aims than a Boy Scout Troop. If it a Boy Scout Camping Society, where female Venturers and Sea Scouts are not welcome, and Crews and Ship's can not hold elections, why would anyone care that we won't wear the lodge flaps?
  4. That reminds me, better top off the Suburban after church!!!
  5. Our Crew/Ship doesn't wear lodge flaps on our green shirts either.
  6. Tell that to the Israeli's in Haifa and Tel Aviv who were on the reciveing end of several dozen SCUD missles a couple years ago. I don't recall the Saudis, Syrians, or Iranians firing SCUDS at Israel? Is the sponsorship the Suadi government or is it fanatical Saudi citizens operating covertly? Firing SCUDs isn't covert. Thank God for Ratheon Corp, cause he fired a couple at me too. Maybe he didn't like my posts!!!! The world's a better place today. Hey how's Col. Khadafi acting these days?
  7. I sure hope The Shootist is as crisp and clear as Big Jake was. I'm on the hunt now for Rio Bravo and Rio Lobo and She Wore A Yellow Ribbon and The Searchers...Good Stuff. I might have to buy more popcorn!!! typo(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
  8. Pack, I tried to train my weiner dog to respond like the Duke's Dog Dog, in Big Jake, but she won't attack the father-in-law, justs sits there and wags her tail. Wow, put the remastered Big Jake dvd in on the flat screen and turned the surround on, and I thought I was out West. Kid's loved it, cheered at the end. Way to go Duke!!!!
  9. I browsed through the Bob Jones Univ web site. It looks go to me. They stay in the dorms unless they are 23 or married. I'll bet they don't have a 30% freshman wash out rate, I'll bet they don't have drunken idiots staggering through their campus all weekend, and it sounds like a great environment for college. Liberty University also sounds like a great place for my kids. Wouldn't schools that produce The Passion Play rather than The Vagina Monologues certainly be a better environment? I think yes. (Unscoutlike allegation towards a forum member) I was freezing my rear off defending the Last Frontier from the Godless Communist hordes across the Bering Sea. The only thing I was ready to smoke was a T-72 with my Dragon. Boooyah!!! (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  10. and some of us need a tug to pull the barge load of salt....
  11. "Who are you?" asks a mortally wounded Richard Boone. "Jacob McAndles", replies the Duke as he rescues his little grandson. "I thought you were dead?" moans Boone. "NOT HARDLY" Hey Pack, just bought a three pack of dvd's at Wal-Mart. "The Sons of Katie Elder", "Big Jake", and "The Shootist". You mentioned it the other day, and bigger than Stuttgart, there it was. A couple bags of Trails End popcorn, 5 of us and the weiner dog on the bed, and Big Jake. How can you beat that? P
  12. After high school, I enlisted and learned to dig a better hole, do a lot of KP, and learned how to make a floor and boots mirrorlike with a buffer. BUT, for my children, I want them to go to College where Rooster went!!!
  13. OGE, I am now the Assistant District Commissioner for Venturing also. We have to form some crews before we have a need for unit commissioners. Nothing like starting on the ground floor!!! P
  14. Of course there's room for the children. Children aren't atheists and homosexuals. It's not until they've been exposed and recruited to these twisted lifestyles do they choose. Buddy, your uncles and grandfather didn't fight to allow you or anybody else the right to burn the flag. Burning the flag is only 15 years old. A great improvement in the law indeed. Bus stop time.
  15. 535, yep, that's what I meant, must've been a typo. It's good having a lawyer keeping your facts straight....life is good. I tend to think, Iraq is it. Once the Iraqis take over for themselves, our anti-terrorists people will be conducting raids wherever those butchers raise their collective heads. But, there are no other countries who spent 12 years violating the un resolutions and firing at our planes in the no-fly zone. Saddam put a target on his own forehead. Sincerely, Nameless son of the working class
  16. Why would a lot of college students be really worried about serving their country in the green suit? They've gotten to grow up in this great country, got a free elementary education, and went to one of our fine universities. Why would serving in the military worry them so much? Does this country not deserve something back from them or are they of the mindset that they are somehow entitled to a free ride? I like the idea of the draft. Two years after high school would be just the ticket. Learn a skill or two, learn how to shave, learn how to clean the latrine, buff a hallway, shine their shoes, dig some holes, and a little discipline. A little smoke from a DI could be just what the doctor ordered. Serving two years would be an admission ticket to those universities. I'll bet that 30% freshman dropout rate would come crashing down. Of the 562 members of congress, there is only one child serving in the military. That is just wrong. Just my $.02. "I used to drive a Chevrolet, Now I'm marching every day."
  17. Bought a new DVD. "The Cowboys" with the Duke. I read somewhere that Bruce Dern has never been treated the same after that movie. In every other movie I see him in, I only see the guy who killed The Duke. Poor guy.
  18. Young Phillip, I see from your posts that those gray-haired, pony-tailed college professors are taking a toll. I am a conservative, I don't like change. I believe this country was built by rugged individualists. I serve my family, God, and my community with honor every waking minute. I've served my country in both peace and wartime, with honor, and would do it again in a heartbeat. I want my children raised a certain way. I want them to enjoy our American Heritage. They're going to learn that the explorer Columbus discovered America, not that he was a racist barbarian intent on genocide. That George Washington, against precarious overwhelming odds, and by almost his force of will alone, defeated the greatest army in the world at the time, and is hugely responsible for our Independence. I'm not going to teach them that he was a racist slaveholder, not deserving to have schools named after him. For myself, my only fear is failing my kids, not afraid of much else, except public speaking, heights, flying, death by shark, pit bulls, home invasion, escalators, elevators, open water, deep water, spiders, and snakes. I will not have any homo activists bringing their agenda into my childrens lives. Has anyone watched the shows on MTV, Real World and Road Rules? I'm ashamed of the product our country is producing. I've met so many super teenagers and young adults who've been associated with the Scouting Program and then I contrast them to a composite of the young people MTV chooses to place on their shows. Now that's appalling! I want my children to have enough moral courage, integrity, and strength of convictions, to stand up to the politically correct steamroller that has seemed to flattened you already. There's plenty of other organizations for the homo and atheists activist to do their thing, Scouting ain't one of them. Hi Pack!!!
  19. A got yesses from the other channels. So we'll use the white Arrow of Light on the dress uniform and the blue AOL on the work uniform. That works.
  20. Nothing personal, it's a safety issue. No Flames in Tents.
  21. Can anyone please school me about the Arrow of Light on the Forest Green Shirt and on the Sea Scout uniforms? I've never seen an Arrow of Light worn on the Venturing Green. Can a youth member of a crew wear the Arrow of Light square knot? Can a Sea Scout wear the Arrow of Light on their Dress Whites or Work Blues? Thanks!!!! P
  22. McMillan opens up on the 8th of April, so it's out. Artillery Ridge campground or the closest Scout Camp. How about Hard tack and bacon for a Saturday night cracker barrel.....or not????
  23. "There's buckwheat cake and Indian batter, to make you fat or a little fatter, Look Away, Look Away, Look Away, Dixie Land"
  24. We've secured a 15 passenger van for this trip. Bought the Gettysburg and Gods and Generals DVD for the trip out there. How about a menu of Civil War songs for the campfire, oh that's good Pounder. "Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord..." Can't wait.
  25. If we would have bet paychecks, I'd be eating beans and rice all month, cause the next Tiger Thursday, the dad shows up with junior, in uniform. We had 10, lost one, picked one up, for a 10 Tiger Den. I heard all the wise advice loud and clear, about den size, but none of the adults would step up. I did like the fact that of the 10 we had three couples present. We built our Soap Box Racer and are itching to get it screaming down the hill tomorrow night. So, if I have the whole brigade of Tiger Cubs, I made it clear that we are in full blue uniform. Seven of the 10 are complete already. I mentioned that the trousers are the same price as a Pizza Hut pizza. I also mentioned to the adults that if they're concerned with the price, we could use some popcorn money....so Sell Sell Sell. LOL, and I found when my agenda runs fast, with a 10 Tiger jungle......Relay Races are just the ticket!!! Did I say Ticket? I better get that pan in the fire too. Tigers give me a growl....Grrrrrrrrr
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