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Everything posted by LovetoCamp

  1. I know when I start hearing, "Independent thought", "Free thinkers", "Intolerance" and "my right to dissent" all being thrown around, there must be some college boys arguing. Bob White sure isn't stopping any of you from posting or stopping any of you from voicing your opinions. You all got bent out of shape when he disagreed with you, well isn't that too bad. The ones being intolerant of dissent, and trying to stifle the other side of an opinion are you three. Kinda funny ain't it? Whenever you people can't defend your position you resort to being mean and hostile. You ARE exactly what you say you OPPOSE. That's a hypocrite. Prejudices. Everybody has some. Except maybe hypocrites. I have this preconceived opinion about tree-hugging extremists, .........they're nitwits.
  2. Boat Sailors of America. Hey that's pretty neat. Thanks Pauly.(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
  3. We'll sign you up if you could fog a mirror....you could keep trying.
  4. Paul, are you still mad about the lodge flap thing? When we sail, my little guys don't eat much or take up much room on deck. They just sit there and sing, "My bonnie lies over the ocean, My bonnie lies over the sea..."
  5. Too funny. You wouldn't have to find a new unit, our COR is pretty selective on leaders, your application would never, never be signed.
  6. 99% of Backpacker's posts have been nothing but personal attacks and nothing but belligerent. That makes you a what, an internet troll. Stirring up hostility and adding squat, nada, zero, nothing to anything on either side of an issue. Jason was insane, but son, you're rotten.
  7. My 6 year old twins go camping and sailing with the Sea Scouts. They've got a lot of tent time in already. The only concern that has been voiced was a mutual groan from the teenagers when they wanted to go to the beach and I made them take my boys along with. I said, "They're cute, they're twins, girls like cute twins, they may even talk to you guys too." On the other side of the coin, if another adult had a problem with it, hmmmm, good question. I own the Sailboats.
  8. Take the money and give it directly to your council's James West endowment fund. Or better yet, take some money and gift a life insurance policy to your council. Or better even yet, buy a GREAT BIG HUGE life insurance policy, gift it to your council, and create your own endowment.
  9. Pack, I believe it was in the book, "MIG Pilot" where the pilot, who flew into Japan with a new soviet fighter and defected stated that the USA has more closely reached the worker's utopia than Mother Russia ever did. We hover around 5% unemployment, and how many of them don't want to work? We have Township Aid, State Public Aid, USDA Food Stamps, County Housing Authorities, Medicaid, Private Charities, Food Pantries in every town, Social Security Disability, and on and on and on. The majority of what we call poor in the USA would be considered rich in most of the rest of the world.
  10. Uncle, He's Offensive Guard and Linebacker. As for what you may have been referring too......ich. P
  11. I don't ever remember being made fun of because I was in Scouts. Classmates saw us carrying flags in the parades, camping in our state park, and going in and out of the church on Tuesday night. Just don't recall being made fun of. I stayed in Scouts almost until I enlisted. In high school we had the forest green shirt and trousers with the Leadership Corps patch and the red beret. If ever there was a uniform item to be made fun of.......think red beret. You ought to see the looks when my trustee First Mate and I stop and eat after Roundtable with our Sea Scout officers hats on. People have no idea who or what we are!!! Our Ship's Boatswain starts both ways on the football team, is academically at the top of his class, and is a varsity wrestler. When we got our 22' Sailboat he landed on the front page of the newspaper in Sea Scout Uniform, in color, practicing raising the sails. The whole county knows he's a Scout, he walks to and from the Legion for meetings in Sea Scout uniform and never has shown or expressed any embarrassment. With an example like that, the younger shipmates, wear their uniforms without any difficulty too. More Sailing, Less MTV!!!
  12. You mean we're behind the Europe that slaughtered 30 Million of it's citizens a mere 60 years ago, and we're behind them somehow? Please Sir. I lived in Europe for four years, and we certainly are not behind Europe in much of anything. They are living at least 10 years behind the USA. I would also venture a guess as to who brought slavery to our country, could it have been Europeans? We don't need to go to Europe to find an example. If I was the United Way, I'd tread very cautiously on who and why I cut off funding. That could come back and bite them very hard. The priest scandal is not only a warning, but shows what the result would be. That ain't mainstream. Hey Pack, just found a dvd four pack, The Searchers, Rio Bravo, The Cowboys, and Stagecoach. I think I'm gonna drop the hammer and buy one of those 50 inch hdtv's for the wife for Christmas. If we were neighbors, and you cut off the ponytail, took out the earrings, and didn't wear the beret, you could come over and have popcorn and watch The Duke with us.
  13. Homosexuals are obviously drawn to the Priesthood. It was mentioned by a lawyer for one of the diocese in trouble that upward to 50% of the priests are homosexuals. My take on this is, that the vow of chastity has been spun around to read that the vow only applies to the opposite sex, and that homosexual relations do not violate the vow. There are 5000 cases of sexual abuse by priests against minors. All of these preists involved can't be classified as pedophiles, can they? No. The preists who were involved with prepubescent children, yes. That was the smallest percentage. They should be hung by the neck until dead. So the remainder, thousands, are practicing adult homosexuals preying on teenaged boys to fill their vile needs. You want vile. That's vile. I equate a similarity between the influence, control, and charge that preist has as a Scout Leader has over our Scouts ages 6-21. You feel-good college debate team types can yell and scream at me all you want, but It's not going to take a lead weight to fall on my head to see a connection here. I'm not willing to take the risk.
  14. Hey Kev, Try here. I've bought from him in the past. http://www.sageventure.com/venturing/knots.htm
  15. You can post all the "feel good" politically correct junk you want on this web site, not a one of you would send your son on a 14 day long cruise with two homo leaders. Not a one of you.
  16. Credible to who, you? Like I care. Man you really think you're the cat's meow. Put me on squelch. Maybe then you can save both some bandwidth and save me from reading those 2500 word sleep-inducing posts of meaningless rambling blather. Please.
  17. No jd, I'm not concerned with anyone targeting me, but I am extremely paranoid about my children and the children who's safety I'm frequently charged with. Big time paranoid. Take a read on some of the priest abuse victims and how it impacted their lives. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, well, maybe you, but no one else. There's got to be a reason that one of the lawyers for a diocese stated that upwards to half of the priests are homosexuals. Why is that? A whole sub-society of supposed chaste priests with a monsterous influence over thse young people in their charge. They violated that sacred trust again and again and again and again, both with young boys and girls. It seems to me that the same catastrophe would occur if homosexuals were given that same level of trust with our young teenage scouts as they have in their parishes. I think only a blindly naive idiot would support letting homosexuals become scout leaders. Anyone who would agree to let their alter boy aged kids go on a week long outing with two homosexual adult leaders, well they're lying. Would you take that risk with your own child? It would be the death knell of Scouting.
  18. ASM1, We'll be rolling in on March 30th, probably camping at Artillery Ridge. Tentatively, we're going to do everything on the York-Adams Council site and as much more as we can pile on. We'll be leaving earliest on Sunday the 3rd. We're a Sea Scout Ship, so this is a Land Cruise for us. Everybody's excited about going. Just met two other Sea Scout Ships nearby, I will ask them about going with us also. We just found a venue leading to all the SCUBA certs. Brand new Sea Scout Ship, the S.S.S. Scuba Dog!!! 18 new Sea Scouts and the Skipper is a Master Diver instructor. Campfire Saturday night. OGE's crew is MCing We're going to bring some Sea Shanty's.
  19. Priest Scandal. Maybe that's while all these activist are all fired up, they need somewhere else to go for a "Target Rich Environment" since the Church abuse was exposed.
  20. forming, storming, norming, and performing!!! Lotta Storming going on. Whining doesn't rhyme.
  21. I'd like to run a new idea by you: I've found that the preferred method in almost any group activity I've ever done is to mix up the participants into groups of strangers. By that I mean in a Council Woodbadge or Powderhorn Course, you make your patrols and crews out of 6 or so peeps from 6 different districts or units. At Powderhorn, I was placed with a bunch of enthusiastic Scouters from all over, who I've not heard from in two years or do I remember their names. There are some fellow training junkies, who I run into every year, but....... At my Woodbadge Course, they did something different. They formed the Patrols in geographic terms to make it easier to meet between weekends and also to make it closer for Ticket Counselors. But, something else happened. The patrol was made up of 5 other people who I knew their names (sort of) and their faces, but never really worked with them before. Here's the rub, after Woodbadge, 67% of our Patrol got along so well, that we've worked together putting on the District Camporee, two of us have joined the District Committee and serve on the same committee. We're working to put on a Leadership Skills Course, going to Gettysburg together, etc. Going forward, why not do this leadership training and team building and keep the participants from the same troops, towns, cities, and districts together? P
  22. 14+ & Co-ed. Sea Scouts. Sailboats. Shooting Sports, Skiing, SCUBA, Boating Safety. Small Boat Handler. Qualified Seaman. Apprentice, Ordinary, Able, Quartermaster. Quarterdeck Training. SEAL Training.
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