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Everything posted by LovetoCamp

  1. The RC Church doesn't have a pedophilia problem. It has a preying on innocent teenage boy by homosexuals problem. I think this article speaks volumes about what would happen should the BSA let it's guard down and allow homosexuals to enter the organization in positions of influence over scouts. Now this issue would be both a moral and a safety issue. NO FLAMES IN TENTS
  2. The Nazi's got the ACLU. The Jewish Holocaust survivors that lived in Skokie got to re-live Hell on earth. It should never have happened.
  3. http://washingtontimes.com/national/20041115-124042-2061r.htm Trail Pounder and the BSA are correct.
  4. The judge problem should start getting fixed, let's say around January 20th!!! Revealing FACTS on the ACLU from its own writings by Diane Dew Ever notice how the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) seems to take on only cases that are anti-Christian - pro-sodomy, pro-abortion, anti-family, pro-pornography, pro-prostitution, pro-euthanasia, pro-homosexual, pro-infanticide, pro-crime, pro-humanism, anti-God -- and, except for atheism, anti-religion? It calls itself the American Civil Liberties Union, but the ACLU is not American; it is uncivil (to the unborn, which are shredded mercilessly to pieces without anesthetic); and it knows nothing of true liberty, which can only be found in Jesus Christ, when one is set free from the bondage of all the SIN this evil organization PROMOTES! Stated Goals The ACLU's founder, Roger Baldwin, stated: "We are for SOCIALISM, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself... We seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the SOLE CONTROL of those who produce wealth. COMMUNISM is the goal." (Source: Trial and Error, by Geo. Grant) The ACLU is destructive to the fabric of our society. Christians must recognize Satan as the source - the instigator - when the end results of an organization's efforts are only "to kill, to steal, and to destroy." All we need to is examine the (rotten) fruit. Following are some of the stated goals of the ACLU, from its own published Policy Issues: *the legalization of prostitution (Policy 211); *the defense of all pornography, including CHILD PORN, as "free speech" (Policy 4); *the decriminalization and legalization of all drugs (Policy 210); *the promotion of homosexuality (Policy 264); *the opposition of rating of music and movies (Policy 18); *opposition against parental consent of minors seeking abortion (Policy 262); *opposition of informed consent preceding abortion procedures (Policy 263); *opposition of spousal consent preceding abortion (Policy 262); *opposition of parental choice in children's education (Policy 80) -- not to mention the defense and promotion of euthanasia, polygamy, government control of church institutions, gun control, tax-funded abortion, birth limitation, etc. (Policies 263, 133, 402, 47, 261, 323, 271, 91, 85).
  5. The ACLU is nothing more than Legal Terrorists. It's ranks filled by communist wannabees, formed to break down our country one rotten lawsuit at a time. With targets like Christmas and Boy Scouts, they don't come any lower.
  6. http://www.cnsnews.com//ViewCulture.asp?Page=\Culture\archive\200411\CUL20041117b.html That's the Legion......fighting the good fight!!!
  7. Every post has community organizations, VFW's, and Americna Legions who will gladly pick up any slack. It does seem to me to target the kids of our military people serving overseas the most. On the other hand, the troops and pack shouldn't miss a beat.
  8. ACLU - 100% democrat. This is just the first nail in the coffin for the next election cycle.
  9. http://www.defenselink.mil/faq/comment.html Use this link to ask Sec. Rumsfeld to do everything he can to not cave to the ACLU and to continue support Scouting for the military families serving both here and overseas.
  10. Gee Whiz!!!(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
  11. Alright. We had our first Sea Scout advancement. Takes a little longer because he had to get all his work hours in. Our Boatswain earned Apprentice and now the crew is fired up, not wanting to get left behind. He earned Apprentice and Small Boat Handler at our first Bridge of Honor.
  12. Good Weekend!!! Picked up a new Sea Scout and went on a "Land Cruise" this weekend out at the Range. The big hit was shooting skeet. We took turns shooting at 5 birds per turn. When not on the line, the shipmates were the OLE cheering section. Got a little chilly Saturday night, down to 19 degrees. Took one of my boys with me, was a little worried about the cold, but with the rig I created for him (fleece inside, mummy, inside sleeping bag, he was toasty. OGE's Oreo fondu went over extremely well. Not a crumb left. We played some touch football also. Can't remember having so much fun. My son slept through the football game, so he didn't get to see dad unleash "Air Trail Pounder" on them. But the Skeet Shooting was definitely a winner. The one kid who had never fired a shotgun before was a little nervey at first, he missed 13 birds in a row, and finally he powdered one, and everyone cheered, his smile reached ear-to-ear. We'll do more of this.
  13. This weekend, the Sea Scouts are camping at my Rifle Club for a make some noise weekend. I'm looking forward to the Oreo Fondue. My teeth hurt just thinking about it. PULL!!!
  14. I took herd of Tigers which I serve to the Veteran's Day Ceremony. They got to salute several times, herd the volleys and the taps and held their little flags. My Great Grandfather was also in France in WWI. He died when I was four. Don't remember him at all, but have a great picture of him in uniform in my office. This morning's ceremony wa said to have the most people my Legion buddys can ever remember having there. It could have been that herd of Tigers skewering the numbers.
  15. Whew, we really dodged a bullet there. The American people elected the guy with the higher IQ.
  16. acco40, it cuts both ways brother. The President wasn't allowed a second to be a uniter, not a divider, because he was being villified by The loyal opposition from the moment the Supreme Court decided that the Florida Democrats could not keep counting ballots until your guy won. Caring, You folks don't have a lock on caring. Please, mister. You think billionaire Kerry really gives a crap about the poor inner city Detroit kids any more than Carl Rove does? I guess because I voted for President Bush, I took all the condescending and patronizing jabs and slams directed at him as a little directed at me. The environment. Do you believe that as much time as people like me spend outdoors and on the water, that I want to sail my South Coast through toxic waste? Not hardly. I believe a Republican administration started the Environmental Protection Agency. I don't support gay scout leaders. I may have stood alone here recently in voicing my opinions and then getting smacked around personally, but I don't think I was alone in my opinions. People who have views different from the intolerant, close-minded, sophisticates, don't enjoy getting verbally trashed. Sophisticates, what a word, was used to describe the superior ones from LA, NYC, and Hollywood. Going forward, I'm going to squelch the issues and politics thread (I'll try). I don't want to argue, call names, get mad, throw bombs, insult, or anything else anymore. I apologize for fueding, for taking things too personally, although my Great Grandmother's name was Elizabeth McCoy. So going forward, I'm going to concentrate on delivering the program to the Tigers and my Mutinous Sea Dogs. So, I'd like to begin anew. Can you? Paul? dan? Hunt? acco40? gsmom? NJ? Pack?
  17. The British are solidly behind the War on Terror. They too allow dissent occur in their country, as we do. Where does the rest of the world get their view of America? They get it from these lunatic TV shows, MTV, VH1, the Simpsons, etc. and the news networks. They see Dan Rather using forged documents. They see the bilge that Michael Moore made a zillion bucks peddling. They see lefty columnists calling nice people who happen to go to church the American Taliban and garbage like that. Is it no wonder they have a twisted view of us after being barraged by the networks hidden agenda?
  18. I wouldn't have a problem embracing the author of that piece.
  19. Now to find that upwards of 100,000 reactionary leftists have inquired about moving to Canada. That will result in what? The average IQ of both countries will rise.
  20. It was stupid of 55 million people to call 59 million people stupid and try to win an election. LMBO!!!
  21. Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2004 9:48 a.m. EST Brokaw: Kerry Blamed Low IQ Score on Drinking John Kerry told NBC newsman Tom Brokaw last week that the reason President Bush outscored him on military intelligence tests was that he had likely been drinking the night before his exam. Brokaw revealed Kerry's off-camera excuse in an election-morning interview with radio host Don Imus. Story Continues Below "I asked the question of John Kerry because the New York Times had reported that a man by the name of David Sailer had analyzed their military aptitude tests and then had had IQ experts do an analysis as well - or the Times did," the NBC anchorman explained. "And they concluded that George W. Bush might be a point or two higher than John Kerry in IQ." Brokaw continued: "And John Kerry was caught a little off guard, he said. 'Well, more power to him. I thought that that was not public.' And when the interview was over he said, 'I must have been drinking the night before I took that military aptitude test.'"
  22. I never have to show ID. My wife's cousin is one of the judges and my neighbor is another. Small town America, you gotta love it.
  23. Talk about stupid!!! Stupid would be wasting another second bantering with this troll on the internet.(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
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