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Everything posted by LovetoCamp
Hi Eamonn, I think the first purchase should be $12 for a Sea Scout Manual. What a fantastic job they did on putting that together. P
It is a well known fact that a Venturing Crew can design their own uniform. I understand the laisse-faire type of leadership that Venturing is supposed to have. But, Sea Scouts has an advancement program that has withstood the test of time and in the manual there is a description of the current Sea Scout uniform standards which, in my opinion, should be followed. I don't understand how you can be a Sea Scout Ship and not be uniformed in the Sea Scout uniform. You can have work blues, dress whites, and then a class B uniform for working and boating. I believe the uniform adds greatly to the Sea Scout program.
Eamonn, I would follow the uniform guidelines that are in the current edition of the Sea Scout manual. Work blue uniform and dress white uniform for the youth. Hand out a uniform sheet. First uniform is work blue uniform and this is required. Blue chambray shirt ($12), black web belt, silver buckle ($3.50), blue trousers (where jeans), black shoes (where your own), white tee shirt (your own), black socks (your own), navy blue ball cap ($8). Uniformed for $20 plus patches. Give them the email address of Ship's Store and let them order and buy their won gear. www.ships-store.org. (This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
Our Council's Powderhorn in 2007 will most definately include many Sea Scout activities and have Sea Scouts actively participating somewhere in the program.
I understood Venturing to be part of the Sea Scout Program.(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
Eamonn, The Sea Scout Youth have two uniforms, work blue and dress white. You can contact Jackie at www.ships-store.org to get exact uniforming prices, but you can buy both Sea Scout uniforms for less than one Boy Scout uniform. www.seascout.org is one of the best, informative web sites I've seen on the internet. Westover, WV is home of the National Flagship, picked as the best Sea Scout Ship in the nation this year. I'm certain the Skipper in Westover would love to talk to you about Sea Scouts. Send me an email if you want to talk more about it.
My boy's Den just finished the God and Me program using the Protestant manuals. They are having a special awards ceremony during Sunday service in two weeks. The Pastor will award the medallion to the boys and at the same time award their Bobcat, which he also helped them complete. The Pastor has a lots of that Scout gene in him. The program took just under two months to finish. There is a different program for Grades 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12. We're looking forward to working on all four of them. Well worth the time and effort.
NWS, keep dreaming pal. Never in a million years would you be in any type of position to dismiss me from anything. The old combat veterans that make up my Chartered Org would toss you out the front door laughing.
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=41691 WND hits one out of the park. These towns get steamrolled by these legal terrorists and the taxpayer pays for it.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20000831/aponline171914_000.htm Yeah. Right.
Sure, we can do better than me. Tens of thousands of better men than me. But you ain't it pusk!!! You sure are a bunch of nasty little intolerant defenders of the aclu. Typical liberal hypocrites!!!(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
KOJA(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
Just thinking that a number of Scout leaders here favor the low-life aclu, creeps me out.
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=41667 Why is sodomy being taught to a generation who can't read and write?(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
I'm considerig going to PTC for the Sea Scout Leader Training next summer. But, I would have to bring Mrs. TP and my seven year old triplets. What do you think of this for a family vacation and at that age, what are your experiences with the youngster programs? Please.
There may have been a couple of them. Was there more than two?
Some of us tend to think that the homosexual agenda IS one of the many forms of cancer eating away at our society. We've witnessed what a homosexual sub-society in the priesthood has resulted in. Look what some of those cancer cells have done to your thinking. In a past post you stated that you DO NOT believe that bestiality is evil. That one who has sex with a poodle is not evil. C'mon kid, rethink this one. Beastiality is evil. They can't be Scoutmasters either.(This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
Lord Baden Powell University
LovetoCamp replied to LovetoCamp's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Misleading? Huh? OK I forgot "of Scouting", but what did you think it was? Or what else could it possibly be? -
and what a fine Scouter she is, the wife of the ranger who runs the trading post at Camp Manchester!!! A Powderhorn Classmate of mine perhaps!!! How's that for small worlds?
http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/ACLU/ I sent one, the blonde sent one, all the kids sent one, even all the grandparents sent one!!! Put the heat on!!!
The new courses, schedules, and registrations are out. Sign up soon!!! www.lbpuniv.org (This message has been edited by Trail Pounder)
If you were not such a good Boy Scout ?
LovetoCamp replied to Eamonn's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I'd like to think that without scouting I'd still be trying my darndest to get my own children out on the lake sailing, camping, backpacking, shooting trap and smallbore, and wrestling. Instead of Tigers and Sea Scouts I'd help with Sunday School and wrestling. -
I'm going to write one saying that only one sick twisted organization would fight against porn filters in the libraries. Why the concern, are you a living breathing card carrying member?
Are there any cases where the ACLU supported Scouts?
LovetoCamp replied to whitewater's topic in Issues & Politics
"I don't want a teenage queen, I just want my M-14" I wouldn't mind buying an automatic weapon or two. A little rock-n-roll on the range. How fun would that be? Add that one to the options on the Rifle Shooting Merit Badge. You could opt to either use a .22 on a bench rest or use an air rifle, or....you could engage targets with a M-16 on rock-n-roll and if you actually hit the target you complete that requirement.