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Everything posted by aupeterson

  1. We've pretty much decided that the patch (not a badge) will probably not be "awarded". I agree, it's definitely not an "award" I want anyone else to try to earn.
  2. We'd like to ask your opinion on recognizing, i.e. awarding a patch and certificate of bravery, a cub scout who was injured during a cub scouting activity. I have a patch (it's a red first aid "+" ) that I wanted to present to him along with a certificate (that I created) at the next pack meeting recognizing his courage for being brave while being injured. First Aid was given and he had to go to the E.R. that night. It was not life-threatening, no broken bones (although that was a thought initially) but the situation was very scary and painful for about 20 minutes. The concern is that the cub scouts will get upset that he's getting an award that they cannot earn. We'd appreciate your opinions and insight.
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