-This is an important question that I need answered. I have read in different sources that a scout can wear the Eagle rank badge till he is 21, and other sources I have read that he has to take it off at 18. We have several 18 year old Eagle scouts (including myself) in our Troop that are confused whether or not we have to take off the Eagle Rank Badge now or at 21? We are currently enrolled in the Venture program, but we are not a lone Venture Crew, we are a Venture Patrol within our Troop's Charter.
-Is it appropiate for adults and scouts to wear our scout award medals during formal occasions such as Troop Court of Honors, Eagle Court of Honors, and other such activities that require formal scout attire??? These questions have caused alot of contriversey among certain Troop members, I would appreciate it if someone could answer them. I have searched several sources (namely Scout Handbook, proper Scout Uniform attire websites and so forth).