Looking through some old posts, I'm new to the forum,I came across something that stopped me cold. POSTED FRIDAY FEB 08, 2002 BY YARROW UNDER RE: PALMS YARROW WROTE:
"My question stems from my boy's interest in badges. He is 12 and so not really ready for an Eagle any time soon, but by the time he gets there he will have a great deal of badges. He has earned all but 2 Eagle required badges ( they must be done within the troop by policy) and many more within the troop,....."
No one jumped on this? Isn't it National policy that earning Eagle required badges within the troop is NOT encouraged? Isn't the concept to get the boy to approach people not currently known to him (Registered Merit Badge Counselors of course) to seek information and counsel? What would the Scoutmaster do if the boy asked for a merit badge blue card to work on the badge in question with some counselor outside the troop? Refuse to issue the card? Some things I've seen in the posts indicat that many subscribers are hot on the "you can't change the requirement" topic. How did you miss this jem?