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  1. For my 2 cents worth on this topic-- having had the opportunity to take two trips with SSB over the last 3 years- I can wholeheartedly endorse the program and the entire experieince. As was noted above, this is another viable option for those Troops or Crews wishing to take advantage of a sailing adventure, and having difficulty getting a spot in the "Offical BSA" program. The chance to make a foreign trip with all of the various logistic challenges is a leaning experieince for all, not to mention experiencing another location of the world and the history surrounding the area. For those Troops wanting to obtain the Triple Crown, maybe this is not the right choice- but for those wishing to have the experience, SSB is a terrific choice. Seemingly what we are striving for is to give our Scouts as many options and opportunities for adventures that we can. Some may be other than BSA programs, but that does not make them any less valuable or exciting for the participants. We followed prescribed BSA procedures when doing our trips, and SSB does adhere to BSA guidelines. Really all I can say is that for our Troop, this is a very viable option. The captains were all wonderful and the Scouts had great times, learned how to sail, snorkled and had interesting sigtseeing visits. Troop #342 Eden Prairie, Minnesota
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