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    West Texas

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  1. I am not generally one to sign petitions. However this is one that I think that every Scouter in the U.S. needs to get behind. An energy drilling company from Houston Texas is looking at developing natural gas wells on the Valle Vidal in Northern New Mexico. What makes this important to Scouters is the Valle Vidal lies north of Philmont Scout Ranch. Every year 2,500 to 3,000 Scouts hike across the Valle Vidal. It would be a travesty to allow drilling in this area. Especially when you take into consideration there is only an estimated 30 hours of natural gas for the country. We, as Scouters must work to save the Valle Vidal for future generations of Boy Scouts. Please contact the Coalition for the Valle Vidal at: www.vallevidal.org/ Thanks, Attila
  2. I love fresh made salsa. As far as store bought brands......Frank's Hot Sauce has a great taste, but isn't very hot, but it taste great. I espcially love Texas Firehouse Habenero Salsa from Corpus Christi, TX - (it is made by a couple of Corpus firemen), and it has a nice burn to it. There is a datil pepper sauce you can find in St Augustine, FLA that is out of this world marketed under the name Dixie Datil, and my favorite of the Dixie Datil is Outrageous Orange. I am a big time chili head and I think Outrageous Orange is the best tasting hot sauce you can buy. On a side note, Dave Ultimate Insanity is the hottest stuff I have ever found. I eat lots of hot sauce and many fresh hot peppers and Dave's Ultimate Insanity is just too hot! A bottle last a long time.
  3. I would like to purchase a GPS unit but I don't want something that will require a computer science degree to operate. I want something simple and utilitarian. Do they make such a thing? I want it for backpacking, and for geocaching with my Venture Crew. Any help will be appreciated.
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