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That is an excellent reply, and I truly appreciate it. Should help me out a lot with my decision. We're a small pack, so I shouldn't have trouble picking this up in addition to my other roles. If we get more leaders, though, I will have to choose between roles. Thank you for your help.
I was recently asked if I wanted to take on the added responsibilities of Pack Trainer. I've heard of this position, and I researched it a little, but I figure the people that live it would know more. What is involved in this position? What would I need to do to train for this? Is it a Council or District training or an online training? Any other info would be greatly appreciated. This particular position is new to me, so I'm flying blind at the moment.
I prefer the uniform shirts from the late 80's/early 90's. Were those the ODL's? I'm not sure. They just seemed to hold up better and fit nicer than the ones now. That and I can't stand the "Electronics Pocket". I recently acquired a few of my old uniforms that still fit (as well as the one I wore all through my boy scout career that doesn't, but is still in fantastic shape) and I will be updating them to be my primary uniforms with the centennial one I have as a backup. In comparison, though, I also bought a new pair of the canvas convertible (I think those are the ones...the ones that are NOT nylon), and they really like them. They seem much more comfortable than the old pants we wore. I also wore the beret for my hat, when I wore one, for boy scouts. Our troop required full uniform, including our own custom neckerchief, but we did not require hats (those that chose to wear one had to wear an official BSA hat, though, and we did produce an optional hat).
A pack flag is $48. Will the savings from the time and materials your wife will put into it really be that much? I honestly don't know. I know the blank flag is $48 (ish), but I'm not sure about the lettering. I'll ask at the scout office tomorrow. My wife offered, so I'm inclined to let her do something she enjoys.
Our pack (3 years old) is finally looking to get a Pack Flag (as well as have the Dens make their own flags this year) My wife has volunteered to make the flag rather than purchase the stock nylon one. I would prefer it to look as close to the "official" one as possible. First off: Is this allowed? I can't imagine that it would be frowned upon (a Scout is Thrifty), but I want to be certain before I give her the go-ahead. Second: The insignia in the center. I don't see that particular one for sale online, but that doesn't mean it isn't available. If it isn't, does anyone have any ideas for it? I'm hoping to have the flag be 2 sided, and I know she will do a fantastic job; but I also would love any pointers you may have. Drew Asst Cubmaster Asst Pack Committee Chair
I actually plan on doing something similar with my old uniform (I am involved with my son's Cub Scout pack, but this is for the troop I grew up in), but the difference with mine is that my old troop is still going strong (101 years this past March). I agree with what was said above: If you don't plan on wearing it, then by all means update it with your old patches, etc. Just get a new uniform to wear for anything you do in Scouting today. I always thought that the Quality Unit badge could be worn for the last year it was earned, not necessarily the past year. I do plan on wearing the uniform I'm updating for my old troop (when I'm back in town I plan on stopping in to help out), though I'm removing any youth specific items and replacing them (where applicable) with their Adult equivalents. I'm keeping the old uniform as-is, and making the updates on another one I have.
I was lucky when I joined scouting. The same organization sponsored both the pack and troop, and the troop was excellent. I agree with what was said, though. If the troop is not living up to your son's expectations, support his efforts to find one that does. I only hope my own son is as mature when it comes time for him to graduate into Boy Scouts.
The good thing about being dry clean only is people will have to sew their patches on instead of using Badge Magic. Badge Magic is ok for temporary use (I don't like it, but I've seen it used well), but for something permanent the patches should definitely be sewn on. It just looks unprofessional if it's done poorly and the badges start peeling off. I can't sew to save my life, but I will make my own poor attempt (before my wife takes it from me and uses her sewing machine) before using the stuff.
Looks more like what I expect from a Scout shirt, from someone who was in scouting in the 80s and 90s. Almost identical to the shirts I had (that I just got from my mom, who had kept them in a closet all these years) except for the buttons (and the Made in Bangladesh tag). I like it.
As I said, it certainly may be the case; but I have not heard of not being allowed to purchase a patch (aside from rank patches and some knots, as you said). I'm not sure that the Uniform Police would come to get me for having the wrong color unit numerals, they'd be far more likely to question my OA flap (perfectly acceptable, even for a cub scout leader, I checked). Still have to buy my veteran bar, provided they even have them in stock...I can't imagine there are many troops that have just celebrated their 101st anniversary.
I honestly hope they go to 1 color for unit numbers for both Cubs and Boy Scouts. Don't get me wrong, I like the tan numbers; but if you're going to sell 2 types then National (or more likely the Councils and Districts) needs to educate the employees of the Scout Shops better. I was told by an employee at 1 that I was not allowed to buy the tan numbers since I am a Cub Scout leader. That may be the case, but not allowed? Actively barring me from making a purchase? I told this to an employee at the main council office and she was stunned. I was also told by 1 employee that I could not buy the veteran bar I wanted for one of my shirts (that I am keeping from my old troop, just in case) and another said it was no problem.
Hopefully it's just the smokes pocket that's impossible to sew a position patch onto (for me, anyway, I can't sew very well and usually ask my wife to do it with her sewing machine). I'd also be ok if they were going to go back to a flag patch that looked and felt like a patch rather than a sticker.
The class A uniform should be fairly standard across all troops, though I'm sure there are exceptions to that. I have no experience with a troop that says they should only wear the scout pants, not the shorts. Should a troop mandate multiple "Class B" Uniforms, then you would be in uniform in any of them (unless they were controlling enough to specify which uniform is appropriate for which days, which imo would be insane). The topic is about the Class A uniform, though, if I read it correctly. I've never seen a troop have requirements other than an official BSA uniform top (long or short sleeved). I'm not saying they don't exist, but I have never seen one.
The uniform does not make the Scout, that is true. However, (I'm not sure if the OP is an adult leader, scout, or parent) if the Troop has requirements for the uniform then those requirements should be followed. Adult leaders should set an example for the boys to follow. If we're not wearing the official uniform (even if it's just the shirt) then they're less likely to do so.
I agree with neil_b about the yelling, even if it's restricted to her own children it still reflects badly on the den and pack and will leave an unmistakable impression on those boys. Better to get it under control quickly than to let it spiral out of control. On the subject of the belt loops, earning 2 in a single den meeting could be possible (look at the requirements for some of the Academic loops), but I think 2 sports loops would not be possible, even if the group was broken in half with half on one activity and half on the other, then switching throughout the course of the meeting. I recently went to a pack meeting (not my pack) where there were some boys that earned 10 arrow points at the meeting. I don't know what the timeframe was that they earned them in (might have been the whole year, for all I know) but it caused me to raise an eyebrow. I had to count the electives in the Wolf book to see if there even were that many available (there are 12 that could be earned). I'm thrilled for the boys that they earned those badges and can display them proudly, but I question how much they retained if they powered through the requirements like that.