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Everything posted by LilBearCub

  1. What a great idea! Thanks for the resources. I'm not REALLY sure I understand it yet, but I'll read it more later. We've done double elimination for so long I still can't grasp every boy racing in every heat. But I have a college degree so maybe I'll get it eventually.!!!
  2. Yeah, we had the movie through here in September. This Dad actually laughs and claims to be that dad with no guilt. Sad, really. We have emphasized that for several years -- it's just he doesn't care. It wasn't a problem until the UC pushed through the rules that aided and abetted the problem. The guy was able to REALLY show his skills to win his son a trophy!! LOL The workshops are a great idea, too! Thanks
  3. Wow! What FABULOUS ideas from everyone! I appreceiate the clarification on Committees and Race suggestions! Thanks resqman for all the details! We don't have the money for the software investment, but we can implement some of the ideas! We can do the night-before check-in session would keep us from rushing through that and maybe even a workshop or two. Now just a little nudging of the COR/DE/CM and we'll be in fine shape! Thanks for all the input! I knew I could count on this group!
  4. Great ideas, and many thanks. The parent races sound fun -- Pack can't afford to supply cars for all of them, but may be something to present to the committee to let parents/siblings BUY their own! I want to SEE the Tennis Racket car!!!! Now -- any ideas on approaching the COR to step up to the plate? Whose job is it? I've tried to step back and not "butt in" since we Den Leaders have been running it up to now -- don't want the new committee to feel like they are powerless. If it is the new CC's job, he's already the puppet of the UC because the UC sounds very knowledgable. Also, whose job is it to tell the UC to step out of the spotlight? After Woodbadge, I feel like I understand Boy Scouts better than my own Cubs!! LOL
  5. Sorry -- I didn't make it clear. UC is on the committee as Activities and Advancements Chair. HIS son is on the committee as a Committee Member and is the one creating the beautiful Regatta and Derby crafts. He is probably 27. The UC's GRANDSON is the Wolf Cub
  6. The year before, I started with my Tiger Den our Pack had three inactive boys. Now I lead Webelos and our Pack has over 50 boys -- more than 1/3 of the boys in the whole school! Yay!!!! Up to now, we have been functioning very informally with a Cubmaster and three or four Leaders in a school with very little parent support. We have been able to avoid many of the problems of more competitive Packs because of the poor economic level. This year, we were excited to get a Pack Committee. It is a very NEW group of people and our Unit Commissioner (who managed to get put on the committee as Activities and Advancements Chairperson) is able to run things through with no resistance. He also put his son on the committee as a "Member" so he can rally his support to push through his plans. Ignoring this slight breach of ethics (remembering all the while to put BOY issues over ADULT issues), we held a Raingutter Regatta. The Committee Member had built a catamaran for his Wolf son -- looked like a pro had built it. It won everything. It was obvious to everyone the boy had done nothing on the boat -- not even the painting. Parents and crying boys complained to me (because I've been there so long they all know me) -- they thought the boys were supposed to put the kits together themselves (which had been the rules announced at the Pack Meeting before). The appeal of the Regatta is the many boys with no home support can put together a boat alone without knowing how to align wheels or weigh the item in order to compete. I later learned that the UC and son had suggested that there be no rules on how to build the boat. He already had built the catamaran. My Webelos (the ones that are NOT in 5th Grade) have refused to participate in anymore Regattas. Three of them won't do the Pinewood because "he'll just do the same thing there!" Now we are gearing up for the Pinewood Derby and I'd like to prevent the similar issue. I know there will ALWAYS be parents like this. Unfortunately, this is allegedly a former Eagle Scout who laughed when he told me he had boat and car plans prepared for the next 12 years! What is the least damaging way to 1) Reduce the possibility of this happening again and 2) explain to the boys that the morals we are teaching them are still important ("HE cheated, so should we!")
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