No, I am not the Den leader. Our Den leader is quitting when this school year is over (He lasted 1 year). Myself and another mother volunteered to take the boys so that they would be able to go at all.
As for the "problem child," He lives in my neighborhood. At age 4 I found him wandering the streets, no parent in sight. We have been at school 3 years now. In pre-K, he had his own "time-out" chair. Every morning, outside the school, He and his sister are the first dropped off before the door even opens and they scream and fight over who will walk in first, Every morning! The teachers do their best to manage the situation. In Kindergarten, the teachers said that the boy is basically not being parented. His parents sign him up for everything so grandma and grandpa can dump him off on the rest of us. Most of us parents in our school/community have had it, but we don't want to blame the boy for the parents, so we tolerate him as best we can. It has gotten to the point where none of the other children will even play with him. I could go on and on, so after 3 years, I think its safe to say that I am not pre-judging, and am giving him the benefit of the doubt by even agreeing to let him in my car. I too, feel for this child and want to help him as much as I can, but I am not going to let him ruin the week for all the other boys.
I want to set up incentives for good behavior. I like the bead idea and the songs. I plan to have a cooler of drinks and snacks for the ride home. I think I am going to give all parents a copy of the camper code of conduct and require that they go over it with the child before the first day, both parent and child signing. I also have all of their cell phone numbers and I will let them know that I will not hesitate to call to have any trouble makers picked up -- ASAP!
When I was a girl scout, we had hat swaps and we made these leather keychain things with strips of leather. Do you think a 7 year old is too young to make one of those? I can buy the strips and help them get it started, but I don't want to be untangling knots all week long.