I know the world has changed - but when I was a scout, we had very little adult involvement. We often took patrol hikes - either while on campouts - or back in the city. We spend countless hours teaching these kids how to camp, hike, cook, do first aid, handle emergencies, etc. ....then we lock them in a box.
Heard a discussion recently - about how some boys were out hiking a trail at our local scout camp. One was injured (broken leg?). The adult that worked at the camp said, "Thank God one of them had a cell phone." Why??? Were they not Scouts? They were not exactly out in the middle of nowhere. Some of the group could have easily gone for help while the others stayed with the injured scout. They could have made a splint and a stretcher. Any Tenderfoot should have been able to handle that situation. Isn't part of the purpose to teach them how to survive without cell phones, computers, electricity and the like?