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Posts posted by leader732

  1. My son doesn't get any special attention because of the sales he generates because i make it WELL KNOWN among all the other parents and leaders that a lot of his sales come from my helping him out at work.Besides the sales i get for him he also sells $1500 a year in door to door sales and by setting up a roadside stand to generate sales.


    HE does most of the work and puts in much more effort that any other boy in the pack and since all our money goes into the Pack general fund he doesn't recieve any personal compensation besides the prizes that are given out based on sales levels.


    BTW ALL the people that i sell to at work have never had a Scout come to their home selling popcorn so i guess if i didn't sell to them the Scouts would just forfeit the money that their orders generate.

  2. Thanks for all the replies.


    It may just be me but since we have now waited to start selling at the official start date my son's are going to miss out on about $1,000 worth of sales that i usually get from my co- workers.What really burns me up is that my boys work hard to reach the selling level for the scholarship every year but will probably miss it this year because a bunch of people who can't follow the simplest rules.This is a terrible lesson to teach their scouts and it causes hard feelings between the packs every year.


    I had really hoped that BSA would do something about this but the official response i get from the Scouting office is kind of "Boys will be boys" and we have no policy on this type of thing.I don't want the Kids punished but i would LOVE to see the Cubmaster get a punishment for teaching the kids such a bad lesson.

  3. Has anyone else had a problem with a neighboring Pack starting their sales drive 2 weeks before the official start date? One of the 4 Packs in our county has already started taking orders even though the Council start date is October 1 which is going to kill our Pack's sales.


    I informed our DE about this but he didn't seem too concerned about enforcing the rules which i think is a a really bad example for the Leaders to be setting for their Cubs.

  4. Does anyone know of a Tall Tales skit that can be used for 12 boys? Most of the ones that i have found only have 7 parts for the boys and i need to include everyone for our Pack meeting.


    Sorry to come in and immediately ask for help but y'all seem to have a great deal of experience and i hope you can help.

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