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When I was with a pack, I found that contacting the COR to keep him informed was easy to do (a note after committee meetings went out to all leaders just as a follow-up, and the COR got a copy too), and it led to a good relationship in time. In addition, at every opportunity, a note was written to the CO and signed by the boys and leaders, thanking them for __________ (fill in the blank). I have always felt it important to put things into writing, and on several occassions I sent the CO a note, addressed to the IH, and gave a short but friendly update. The relationship became nicer; it had been non-existent. At first, it seemed that the CO was suspicious of my approaches, but that may be that others followed that type of approach with "now what I'd like from you is...", but I thought it more important to always close a conversation/note with "and if there is anything else we may do for you" instead. In a word: serve.
The Guide to Safe Scouting answers this questions, and it can be found on-line here: http://www.scouting.org/pubs/gss/toc.html Bold print is BSA policy rather than just a guide. From the above-mentioned publication, here is the answer to your question: The Boy Scouts of America prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at encampments or activities on property owned and/or operated by the Boy Scouts of America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members. Adult leaders should support the attitude that young adults are better off without tobacco and may not allow the use of tobacco products at any BSA activity involving youth participants. All Scouting functions, meetings, and activities should be conducted on a smoke-free basis, with smoking areas located away from all participants.
"Adult leaders must respect the privacy of youth members in situations such as changing clothes and taking showers at camp, and intrude only to the extent that health and safety require. Adults must protect their own privacy in similar situations." This is from the protection of privacy part of the YP training. It's a good question. When I took BALOO, I was planning a camping trip for the pack, and one of my concerns was how to handle the bathroom facilities. The sign was one way to handle this (take one to put on the outside of the latrine door/doorhandle); another was to have someone outside the latrine to let others know it was in use. As for father-son, that would not have occurred to me as it would seem to be the same as sharing a tent, but perhaps consistency would be key--if not for you, then for your son--but that's just a thought not a policy.
Last year I asked this question, as it was asked of me. The response I was given was that the adult partner is the person indicated on the Tiger's app. For a parent, the app included the info needed; for someone other than a parent, an adult leader app was required to be filled out in addition to the app. The Tiger Cub DL stuck with this definition with one exception: if one parent couldn't be there, the other one would be.
What a blessing that is! It is not often that those who serve have the opportunity to hear how they touched a life, so how wonderful for you to hear this. Thanks for sharing your day, Bob.
Ang: I believe you mean Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster? The Boy Scout Fast Training is on-line and short, and it may help you out some. I did a quick check, for I don't think that as volunteers we "work" for one another, but rather that we work together, serving in different roles that support one another, with the common goal of providing program support to the youth. From Fast STart On-line: What does the troop committee do? >Ensures quality leadership is recruited and trained, including Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters. >Assigns qualified assistant Scoutmasters to continue the program if the Scoutmaster slot is vacated. >Supports leaders in carrying the program. >Responsible for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements based on the annual budget developed by the committee. >Serves on boards of review and courts of honor. The Role of the Scoutmaster >Trains and guides boy leaders. >Works with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to boys. >Uses the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting. >Can be male or female, but must be at least 21 years of age. >Is appointed by the head of the chartered organization. There's much more, and if you stick with the resources, you'll find that most questions continue to be answered. Good luck, and hope this helps. The on-line training is found here: http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/faststart/index.html
Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner -- anything else I need?
Laurie replied to Laurie's topic in Cub Scouts
I'd like to meet year-round, but I have yet to learn why RTs don't meet year-round. That is one of my questions for the the meeting with the DE and District Commissioner. I think it's because there's no meeting place, but I would very much like to arrange for something in July and August (June is tough month with many district and council activities already, so for this year, I don't think it will work). What I've done is to come up with a list of places that RT could be held if meeting place is an issue. The list of packs and contact info will be made available to me, and over the summer I'd like to get in touch with each unit. Oops--thanks Bob! I was given silver loops, but gee whiz, no wonder I've been confusing people by talking about epaulets. Staff might be tricky, but I've also begun a list of some Cub Scouters I've met who are just awesome in particular areas (one who is terrific with Webelos and skits for instance). How does one get a staff when most are wearing so many hats already? Promotion: I've been given the ok to use the district page of council's down the road, so that's something positive, but I think promotion needs to start sooner rather than later. I also think it needs to be talking directly to the leaders. Attendance was 3 last week, and I honestly don't recall a meeting going above 10 in 2 years. People need a reason to come. RT looks like fun, like time well spent, like a way to remove the stress of planning from leaders, and a way to interact with other leaders. My husband just rolled his eyes when I said I'd need a box for supplies (saving up stuff that I think will be useful), for we recently passed on the Cub stuff that belonged to the pack, and we discovered space we didn't know we had! He is very supportive of this, but he knows it means we'll lose some of the recently rediscovered storage space. Thanks for the ideas, and if I'm off base with what I have mentioned, please set me straight (This message has been edited by Laurie) -
I have the privilege of serving in this role, having been asked to do so last month. The District Commissioner gave me the epalettes (sp?) and insignia needed, and he and the DE will be meeting with me over the summer for planning. He has arranged for me to meet with the person who used to do this (it's been an open spot for 3-4 years) and is setting up training. I have the updated Cub Scout Leader Handbook, 2005-2006 Program Helps, and the most recent Webelos Leader Book along with a variety of BSA publications (songs, sizzlers, G2SS, etc). Which Commissioner books should I have? I am planning on getting the RT book (the one with the themes--sorry, don't recall the name but know it when I see it). RT doesn't take place in the summer, so I have time to plan and prepare, and I'd appreciate your suggestions. Thanks!
Parents Acting as Merit Badge Counselors
Laurie replied to Laurie's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Not having much experience with this particular issue (yet ), what comes to mind as I follow this thread is the relationship the Scout has with the SM. Nothing I read indicated to me that a SM was trying to control the decision a boy made; I was reading that their are SMs who have a relationship with the Scouts and are giving them info to make decisions. Hunt's description of "this one's an Eagle", "this one's a teacher", "this one's your mom" did not indicate control on his part but rather very general info. Not a criticism of a counselor, nor an endorsement of a counselor, it made sense to me that he said that. As a mom, I am delighted to see my sons building relationships with their SM and SAs, but it isn't always easy to do (they don't ask questions even when they have them), so it seems the offer of some general info would be kind and helpful. Where am I wrong in this please? Though I don't need to know, I care about the program and want to understand it better. -
It's a good reminder. My son had matches in his coat pocket from a trip, and they went back and forth to school before he realized they were. I'm glad they were discovered at home rather than at school, and every once in awhile I remind to boys to check their pockets and backpacks (which they use for hikes on campouts then use for school) for items that could be considered weapons by school. They are familiar with the policy, but they often don't think about it. I wish they didn't have to.
I've seen one to date, and it was many years ago, and it still gives me chills. Though I don't recall the details, I remember the looks on my parents faces, on our neighbors faces, on the leaders faces -- you'd have had a hard time picking out who the true parents were! When my brother earned Eagle, I was 19, and I had a date that night with a hunky guy who thought I was bonkers to want to see a Scout ceremony and interrupt our date to do it. When we left, it was with him thinking it was pretty cool that so many people were so proud of my brother. You know, I still remember the feeling of shared pride in what my brother did. That's what stuck. There were politicians, religious leaders, all the whos who of the area there--but it was the people who'd gone along the trail with him that were so delighted and that's what stuck with me.
http://www.beaufortgazette.com/state_news/regional/story/4842701p-4447287c.html The above link shows there's a bit more to the story (the articles vary in the amount of detail): "The boy offered different explanations of why he had the nails: they were left over from a project 10 days earlier; they were for self defense because a suspicious man was seen in his neighborhood or that he needed the nails for a weekend Boy Scout outing."
U.S. Scouting Service has this notation at the bottom of thepage: "Source: Leadership Training Committee Guide - 2003 (#34169F)" I looked at the 2001 edition of the Leadership Training Committee Guide, which I have here, and it matches what is listed on meritbadge.com. It would appear that the reqts listed on U.S. Scouting Service are more current, but I don't know if they've have been updated again since 2003, but Bob will most likely know that once he checks the form.
I've an idea that may help. When my sons went through Webelos, parents were asked to bring tools and stay to help out during those meetings when the boys were building. Some families didn't have much in the way of tools, but others had workshops, so everyone pitched in and there were always enough. The same went for those who could stay; not all could, but the adult supervision was increased and that worked. Just thought I'd share this in case you helps you out.
I'm not questioning motives, but I apologize if it sounds that way. With all the things that compete for our time, placing an unnecessary burden on one's self (and thinking that as a UC one needs BALOO could very well do that) is not something I'd encourage. Now, if a UC wants to take BALOO because s/he wants to know more, that's super and seems a good thing IMO.