I had my Eagle Court of Honor before my 14th birthday. I stayed with my troop until I left to attend the Naval Academy. I am now a Captain in the Navy.
Earning my Eagle at that age taught me a lot about leadership that has served me well.
I much prefer to see a young Eagle that can give back to the troop than see a young man of 17 3/4 about to leave for college rushing to finish his Eagle project. I sit on the local Eagle Board and 2/3 to 3/4 of the Eagle Candidates we see are at least 17 1/2 - what a waste.
Don't hold back a scout that is making progress towards Eagle because you don't think he is "mature" enough. You might kill that spirit forever. Or you might kill the only opportunity that scout had. I personally know a scout that was discouraged from making Eagle at a young age by a well meaning SM. Less than a year later his family was transfered out of town to an area that did not have a good scouting program. The boy never made Eagle. The SM now regrets his actions.