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  1. Hey, everyone. I'm somewhat new to this forum (I posted one time before as Kunatah Guy, and have actually been lurking here for several years). And I am not really a "kid" (I'm 32 yrs. old, actually) - just had to use that name to differentiate myself from my previous username. Long story. Or perhaps wishful thinking? Anyway, my basic answer to this question is that NO president would in his/her right mind, go to the American Public and actively choose to not endorse the BSA. Despite its sometimes association with an idealized, pre-Vietnam view of America, the Boy Scouts is generally seen by all but the most ideological as a helpful, useful organization. I think most politicians, even the supposedly leftist ones, respect the BSA's positive attributes, even if they disagree with some of its policies with regards to homosexuals, atheists, etc. Btw, I am a born-again Christian whose beliefs, theologically, would probably be considered "conservative" - inerrancy of the Bible, absolute right and wrong, against same-sex behavior, etc, and I even voted for George Bush (though I consider myself a political moderate)....and even I am tired of the idea that being "liberal" automatically qualifies ones as being immoral or amoral. Really, I think some of my conservative christian brethren need a refresher course in the ministry of reconciliation and christian discipleship, as well as some as self-examination.
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