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Everything posted by ASM7

  1. Phil, I am a District Scouting Ministries Coordinator for our United Methodist District. Your UMC district should also have someone in this postion. He should be able to guide you in this matter. If not, contact the conference Scouting Ministries Coordinator. All of these awards are United Methodist distinguished awards and are very important recognitions. The Cross and Flame Award is given by the local church and nominated by the local church Scouting Coordinator. This can be the Chartering Organization Rep. Minimum 5 years involvement with scouting or the youth of the church. More requirements. The Torch Award is given by the Annual Conference and the recipient must be a member of the church with exceptional Christian character, 10 years of continuous support of using and supporting the programs in the life of the church at the district and conference level. Other requirements. God and Service Award is a national award, awarded by churches and youth agencies cooperating in the programs of P.R.A.Y. Minimum of five years of distinguished service. This is what I would reccommend: Unless the candidate is in poor health, I would start with the Cross and Flame. The next year give the God and Service, and the next year give the Torch Award. All are recognized as religious awards for wearing the adult knot. Applications can be downloaded from www.naums.org , but for some reason right now you have to have a username and password. I have emailed the webmaster to find out why. Please remember all of your volunteers with these awards or at least thank you cards. Also, there is a Bishop's Award of Excellence that is awarded to outstanding scouting units at the Annual Conference by the Bishop. There is also a Good Samaritan Award for youth ages 12-19 and they don't have to a member of the UMC. Hope this helps.
  2. I hope you enjoy the ceremony as I did. We have a great ceremonies team. Work hard for the OA and one day you will be honored for it.
  3. Wallace, Find out when your district is having their Essentials, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster specifics and Outdoor Leader training and sign up. That's the best thing you can do right now to prepare. I don't know that I would jump right into the Scoutmaster position but would try ASM first, unless there is no one else for the job. But if you have been trained, I'm sure you will do fine. Good Luck
  4. Make sure they are not retesting the Scout. It's not their job
  5. Climber, Actually, I think the wool neckers the WB staff wore in our council was from tartan that the council came up with somehow. There was nothing official about it, but they looked great. We still have to remember the "Thrifty" in the law, and that little swatch can remind us of that. I really want to persue getting a kilt made of MacLaren tartan. I think it would look great with the class A shirt and high socks for WB ceremonies or attending highland games. By the way, I have joined the Clan MacLaren Society of North America and can officially wear the tartan.
  6. We go to Camp Bud Schiele. Piedmont Council NC http://www.piedmontcouncilbsa.org/Camp_Bud_Schiele.htm
  7. Sue, We already have a thread going on this. See New First Class Requirements
  8. Our fundraisers go to the troop for troop equipment, reducing summer camp costs, recharter. Individual scout equipment is purchased by the scout. Scouts also pay for each trip of which the cost is determined by where we go. I don't really like the idea of the scout assuming debt right from the start. Some things that could happen: Scout leaves the troop, a scout works harder than others and thinks he should get more, a balance could be very large for a scout and turn him and family against scouting. What about new scouts who join during the year? Are they way behind in funds for activities? I also don't like the idea of fundraising covering dues.
  9. Try the old 120 degree game. Scout starts at a point preferably in grass and lays down a coin. He is given a heading and follows it for a set number of paces. He then stops and turns 120 degrees and goes another same number of paces. He repeats the 120 degree turn tries to end at the starting spot. If he is successful, he finds the coin. You can then allow him to do opposite turns. A scout in our council made large teaching compasses out of plexiglas and sold them to scout leaders to raise money for his Eagle project. Of course I bought one.
  10. Our adult leader patrol is named the Yetis (bigfoot) because of our ability to roam around and bird dog without being seen. The patch is blank. Ever seen a Yeti? When we get to camp the name changes to Barking Spiders. Has something to do with the camp chow. You don't want to hear our yell, although it can be done silently.
  11. ASM7

    OA Sash

    I've always hand washed mine no bleach and hung to dry. If needed iron with low heat.
  12. NeilLup, Of your five reasons that this should be a requirement, IMHO, none hold any water. You mentioned that this was once a requirement and was dropped in 1955. I wonder what the reasoning was behind dropping it. I would like to believe it was because it was rediculous. I have never been in an organization where inviting a potential member was mandatory. However, it was always rewarded. I prefer the natural and not forced growth of membership. If any recruiting is done, it needs to happen through the membership chair. I don't know whether it can be done, but I would like for a moderator if possible to poll this forum and ask for an up or down vote and also ask if you were to add a requirement, what would it be? I don't honestly believe recruiting would be at the top of the list.
  13. I copied this from the CalCouncil website. Beginning January 1, 2006 and additional requirement will be added to the requirements for first class rank in Boy Scouting. Scout beginning their First Class requirements work after this date must complete the new requirement. Scouts working on first class requirements prior to this date will have until June 30, 2006 to complete First Class rank with out completing the new requirements. The new requirements test the candidates persuasive communications skills and can help make Scouting available to more boys. It reads as follows. Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactive Boy Scout, about your troops activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project, or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active. The Boy Scout Handbook and 2006 Requirements book will be updated with this new detail. Now, as far as what harm can it do? Well I think most of you are thinking this is a younger scout and it might be cute, but what if an older boy joins, say 15 or 16. Now there is a problem due to ridicule that this kid may endure from others if he starts talking about scouts. I don't think we need to require these boys to do something like this. By the way, who could witness this requirement to sign it off? Is he going to take an older scout or his Scoutmaster with him. OK Sonny, there's one, go get him! IMHO, this was not well thought out and has nothing to do with increasing his scouting skills.
  14. Hunt, I'm not saying he shouldn't have a buddy, but the buddy doesn't have to be a scout. It could be a sibling or friend, but should probably be his parent. Bob, This organization hasn't grown to the size it is by requireing boys to promote it. It seems harmless enough to us adults but probably not to the psycology of a boy. I know that boys should tell their friends about the great things their troop is doing, and most probably have, but why make it a requirement? I can see a boy going up to another and saying "I have to tell you about my troop because it's a requirement for my next rank". That kid will be real excited about learning more. No, this has to happen naturally. It's called word of mouth advertising and it's done by excited people liking what they promote. You can't require people to do it. I think the Recruiter badge is enough. The "In the Scout Zone" DVD is also useful. But the best I've seen so far is our Council Summer Camp video.
  15. I'm familiar with the tartan candidate neckerchief with the number 1 on the back, but also have seen the wool tartan neckerchief that our instructors and counselors wore. They wear them everytime they wear the so-called class A. Maybe it was a thing in my council only. I wish there was a place locally to purchase the wool McLaren tartan cloth. Anybody know a place?
  16. "What's next? Participating in a popcorn or wreath sale?" Too late, those activities have counted toward advancement to First Class for quite some time already. FC3 Only if they sell popcorn/wreaths as a patrol/troop. Usually it's done individually.
  17. This sounds more like it should go in with Tenderfoot requirements or even Scout. I personally believe it shouldn't go at all. If the troop has a great program, the scout should talk about it anyway.
  18. Well, I found out that the requirement is the scout has to discuss with a friend who is eligible for scouting or an inactive scout about his troop or words to that effect. This one seems to have nothing to do with building character, citizenship, or developing fitness, but rather to promote the organization. I guess that it will warrant a new edition to the handbook. It's supposed to be effective January 1, 2006. Scouts already starting FC will have til mid year 2006 to complete it without the requirement, but how hard can it be to talk to someone. Sounds pretty lame to me.
  19. The two critical items at this point are the 90 day required merit badges and an Eagle service project. The aims of Scouting are: To build character To foster citizenship To develop fitness Attendance is not one of the methods to achieve these aims. If the requirements can be met, he should get what he deserves. A preliminary troop BOR will tell you what kind of character this young man demonstrates. Conduct it like an Eagle BOR. This is not impossible.
  20. I just heard from the Council office of new requirements coming down for First Class. Does anyone know what they are?
  21. Here's a little book that if you haven't read, you may want to get. "The Leadership Pill" by Ken Blanchard. Most of us can get through it in about an hour, but it is an hour that won't be wasted.
  22. The boys are labeling their clubhouse. This should be a fun event, like creating patrol name, patrol flag, patrol yell, only on the troop level. Don't take the fun out of it. Remember they are boys.
  23. ahull, From another CC, please make sure your committee goes through the Fast Start, Essentials, and Troop Committee Challenge. Fill the necessary positions and let them do their jobs. Follow-up by communicating with them and expect their reports at Committee meetings held at least once a month. Don't forget the Scoutmaster's report. You are there to assist and support the troop.
  24. Capella, Best of luck to you on the new troop. I don't know about Wisconsin, but in the south, people purchase pine straw (pine needles) to go around their shrubs and flowers. The straw looks great when first laid out but needs to be replaced at least once a year, sometimes twice. We pre-sell pine straw as a fundraiser and when our shipment arrives, in a trailer, the people come pick them up or we deliver to their house for a little extra. We're done in one day. We make about a dollar or more per bale and with about 1500 bales per truck, you do the math. Not bad for one day. We're going to two trucks this year. Businesses also buy from us. Good luck.
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