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kthoman's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. "While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility:" I read this as- you can have multiple positions that would total to at least 6 months. For example, Patrol leader for 4 months, and Scribe for 5 months. These positions were not held at the same time. Together they total 9 months. Do you feel this satisfies the requirement? Thanks~
  2. We discussed changing our requirement of having the boys keep a log and turning it in at our last Committee Meeting. The CC presented the fact that in the very beginning of the handbook, where requirements are described, it states that a scout should practice the excercises every day. I told him that those explanations are there as a guide, and that we have to follow the wording of the requirement. His reply was "Where does it say that this is a guide?" I could not find that wording anywhere in the handbook. Can anyone please explain? He has a good point.
  3. How does your troop handle this requirement? 1. Record your best in the following tests: Current results Pushups _______ Pull-ups _______ Sit-ups _______ Standing long jump (_______ft _______in) 1/4-mile walk/run _______ 30 days later Pushups _______ Pull-ups _______ Sit-ups _______ Standing long jump (_______ft _______in) 1/4-mile walk/run _______ 2. Show improvement in the activities listed in requirement 10a after practicing for 30 days. The Scoutmaster in our troop makes the boys keep a log for 30 days. They don't sign off on the requirement unless the scout performs all exercises every day for the 30 days. I'm wondering if this is in line with what other troops do.
  4. Our Pack always has dinner, entertainment, and advancements. We start with the lowest rank and end with the crossover of Webelos to Boy Scouts. Sometimes we have potluck, sometimes catered (depends on how wealthy we are). We started a tradition of a Father Son Cake Bake with awards and the cakes serve as desert. There are usually ideas in Baloo's Bugle for award ceremonies.
  5. Glad to read those requirements for BOR. Is the Charter Rep. considered a Committee member and able to be present for a BOR?
  6. Thanks for the replies. I'll look for the patch at the scout store.
  7. I am the fund raising committee member for our Troop and usually attend all meetings. Because I was a cub leader I have a kahki shirt in the closet. I am reluctant to wear it because I don't want to be confused with the ASMs. What are your feelings about Committee Members wearing a uniform to Troop meetings?
  8. According to Youth Protection Traing, you are supposed to report any abuse that happens in scouting to the District Executive, and the police. It would be interesting to know what steps the Discrict Exec. has to take in order to protect BSA (and essencialy the youth).
  9. Once some has information using TroopMaster dot Net, is there any way to limit the information that can be edited. For example, if the fundraising chair wants to update fund raising data, is that person also able to fool around with advancement records, whether intentional or not? The big reservation for our troop committee is the possibility that someone will mess up advancement data.
  10. We have been using TroopMaster to record advancement for many years. We would like to give it to other committee memebers to record service hours, training, fundraising, etc. Are there any groups out there that do this and how do you accomplish it? Has anyone tried TroopMaster Dot Net? Thanks.
  11. I believe "Fair Share" will never be obtained. Our Troop fundraiser is Popcorn. We ask that each boy sells a minimum amount, determined by the activities they plan for the year. If a boy does not want to sell then we give them the option to "buy out" their commitment. For the boys that sell more than the minimum, we set up a seperate account and credit them with 1/2 of the profit. They can use this for summer camp, outings, or equipment. I have been running popcorn for 4 years now, and been involved in scouts for 10 years. What I see is the younger they are, the more they sell. So as long as you have a new supply of young scouts coming in you should be able to support the troop. My experience is that the people who push "Fair Share" are usually the ones who sell the popcorn for their sons at work. I would rather see a boy sell his minimum amount by himself than be the biggest seller because of his parent's efforts. (Not that I don't like the money!!!!)
  12. Did you rent a sno cone machine?
  13. Someone in the Daniel Webster Council in NH has developed an Excel spreadsheet to track a Unit's popcorn sales. We have used it for the past 4 years and it is great. It is in the Arrowhead district's fundraising area.
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