I believe "Fair Share" will never be obtained. Our Troop fundraiser is Popcorn. We ask that each boy sells a minimum amount, determined by the activities they plan for the year. If a boy does not want to sell then we give them the option to "buy out" their commitment. For the boys that sell more than the minimum, we set up a seperate account and credit them with 1/2 of the profit. They can use this for summer camp, outings, or equipment. I have been running popcorn for 4 years now, and been involved in scouts for 10 years. What I see is the younger they are, the more they sell. So as long as you have a new supply of young scouts coming in you should be able to support the troop. My experience is that the people who push "Fair Share" are usually the ones who sell the popcorn for their sons at work. I would rather see a boy sell his minimum amount by himself than be the biggest seller because of his parent's efforts. (Not that I don't like the money!!!!)