More of the story...
I had five scouts with me selling popcorn in my neighborhood. Two brothers who are ex-scouts and sons of the COR began taunting two of the scouts as they went to one of the houses. The boys followed the scouts up the driveway. At this point an altercation occurred between on of the scouts and one of the ex-scouts. They were out of my view but there was one witness that stated the ex-scout was poking the scout and the scout punched the other boy. I've known this scout for two years and he is very timid and shy. I could believe that he pushed the boy but not punch him. The ex-scouts on the otherhand are known trouble makers at school. Their mother has a reputation for handling problems that her sons get into by calling the parents directly. She would rather not involve the school since the principal has found against her sons too many times. The parents of the ex-scouts came down to address the issue. They had words with myself and the scout's parents. The mother (and COR) then turned to the scout and said, "What I want to do to you right now would get me thrown in jail. If I were an eight year old girl I would kick your butt!". All of this took place in front of the other scouts.
As I mentioned before, she is being replaced as COR. I'm not sure when this will be mentioned to her. For the past five months she has been COR in name only. I had to get our Adult Ldr Apps signed by the Charter Head. She also reported the incident to Council and made them aware that as COR she would see to it that I would no longer be CC and my family would be kicked out of scouts. There is very little she can do about it at this point. She has exhausted her options thru the school, BSA and the police (she called the police in on the incident BTW). I'm afraid that if she doesn't know that she's no longer COR, she may show up tonight at our Den meetings and make a scene. If so, I'll be prepared to handle her in a most scoutlike manner. (I'll have to work on my knot tying... j/k).