More information: The adults that were present at the time of the injury were addressed by council, and they admitted they were at fault and that their judgment was subpar that day. To my knowledge, there is nothing else pending and we have not/will not pressed/press the issue beyond the troop level. The troop has made several changes, pushed training and then retraining, and they have created safeguards and placed certain protocols in place in the wake of what happened. The changes seem viable and really are an all-around good solution. We know accidents happen. We are all willing to move forward and get past this bump in the road, but the environment, while not hostile, isn't receptive or welcoming either. I think my son has been to two meetings and to one patrol meeting since the injury at the camp out. He also opted out of summer camp this year. He says the other scouts ask him about the ordeal and it makes him uncomfortable since he was asked by the troop not to discuss it with the scouts or parents. Our younger son is excited about crossing over to this troop at the end of 5th grade this school year, so we are at a major crossroads.
By the way, a friend of my son, who is also in the troop, says he heard my son didn't really do anything wrong and that they just want him out of the troop because they are embarrassed or think something else bad might happen and then the troop will be "back under a microscope". Again, that's just information from a kid, but his dad is an ASM.