I really want to thank all of you for your input. As a new ASM (1 yr.) this is still a learning process for me, your options and solutions have been insightful.
Here's my two cents worth based comments here. I don't not consider this hazing and based on the Scout not taking a drink, do not believe expulsion would be the way to go. However, if the Scout had taken a drink I may be in favor of it then, I know, doesn't make any sense. Maybe it's because of potential legal issues involved, if the Scout had taken a drink, I believe the parents could have pressed some type of charge against the juveniles i.e. child endangerment/abuse.
I consider it fortunate it wasnt ninety five degrees and the victim thirsty. We would have had a whole new ball game, a truly egregious one.
Open communication is a key here, but how much? The entire Troop? Yes. Every parent? No. All involved should have some type of consequence. Community service? No, youd have to restrict it from any requirements!!! Yeah..I gave that boy a bottle of pee, but I got my community service hours It is funny, but not really. Troop chores might be the way to go, doing dishes for all Patrols for a set number of campouts might work. They would never forget it, and all Scouts would be reminded of what went on and the consequence. Suspension from a set number of activities? Maybe.
More importantly SMC with all Boy Leadership/Perp. Parents present? Yes. Boys individually before the Board, YES. If the Scout did not carry out any of these Cheerfully he probably is not needed in the Troop. I want to stress, if the Scout had taken a drink, whole new ball game in my opinion. Bear in mind, my opinion doesnt account for much, just ask my ex-wife, insert happy smiley face here.
SMT224 hit the nail on the head
We do the best we can to run our Troop within the Scout Law. The prank described was far outside of the Scout Law, and must be dealt with swiftly and accordingly. Scouting should be a safe place, and no Scout should ever be subject to such a humiliating and disgusting "prank".
Artjrk sentiment on a boy led Troop
The older scouts should also be held to the same degree of reprimand, possibly more.
Perdidochas sentiment on a boy led Troop
However, I think the two older boys should be punished much more harshly than that.
John-in-KC How True Merit Badge Awarded
The SM and the CC need to have each others' back on this. The consequences should be pretty well settled on before the BOR begins.
I believe that we all would agree on a swift, cant stress that enough, and a coordinated result to this conflict, or any other which may occur on an outing. I have observed that Things can happen often on trips. If consequence is delved as often, this would serve to lessen its overall affect on a Troop. If it is not, you have a runaway train in the making.
The thin line is The last cookie in the jar. Herein lies one of the Grey areas in Scouting. Of which I was once told there were none! What do we police? We dont need to answer this here, but it all comes back to the ol Oath and Law.
Many thanks to all.