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Everything posted by koolaidman

  1. The only things I would bother to repeat or schedule special "catch up" sessions for would be the 4 required activity badges. With a requirement like Outdoorsman #2 where it can be a family or Webelos event, I'll sign off if the scout went on a family camping trip and can tell me about the activity. I would suggest future alternatives for other requirements not tied to a particular activity badge. With our 18 months of being a Webelos almost up and AOL crossover scheduled for December 15th. I still have a couple of scouts missing Readyman #7, one activity badge, and one scout missing a Webelos overnight or day hike. (though 5 campouts have been scheduled during this time). We're having to schedule a special short day hike for one Webelos in the neighborhood only because we know it's the parents and not the scout causing the issue. As for the missing activity badge. We've provided the parents with the web page address of the local museum that runs activity badge classes for Webelos. We're currently spending the majority of our meetings visiting boy scout troops and I don't have much sympathy for those who couldn't make 1/2 the badges we've taught over the last 18 months.
  2. Ditto what BDPT00 about sense... I wouldn't put the cart before the horse. They're not married until they're married. I think the male should register as an ASM in a troop and only unofficially help out, only if the CO is OK with this. YPG should of course be followed. Thinking ahead, they are still quite young, and relationships can sour. One of my best friends dated his soon to be wife for 3+ years, the marriage didn't last one. They started dating in high school and got married shortly after he graduated college. Seems some young adults realize shortly before marriage or soon after, they got so serious in the relationship they didn't realize there are other people in the world they may get along with better. I would just be as objective as possible. Think of all the good things that you know are happening with both being active in the crew AND the worst that could happen. Be fair to the couple and the rest of the crew. Definitely don't take the engagement at face value when you have others in the crew to think about.
  3. If my son were the ASPL, I'd have a discussion about being a Courteous and Cheerful scout, then ask him how he would/will feel when he is SPL, someone being disrespectful to him. Explain how his behavior can be a divisive influence on the troop, and where would the troop/patrols be if taking different sides. I'd also discuss how different people have different management styles and most will do what is comfortable to them (whether it works or not is a different story). A Courteous, Kind and Cheerful talk could go for the SPL as well. Maybe define the difference between being a leader and being "in charge". Two different things in my book.
  4. JoeBob, Regarding the annoying popup. I too was getting a pop-up in the lower left hand corner. The conents of the pop-up was getting blocked by my anti-virus. I used an anti amlware tool called Hitman Pro, and it seems to have worked. It should be available on your favorite shareware site. ***I'm not an IT professional. Just reporting my experience***
  5. Duty to God is mentioned in the second paragraph of this article: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/04/14224160-almost-eagle-scout-denied-award-because-he-is-gay?lite
  6. I too would love to hear an update.
  7. I think the above comments are all great ideas. If you still want to get a flyer out: Does the PTO publish a directory? Do the laws in your area allow for directory type of information to be distributed by the schools? (we have an opt-out notice to fill out) Perhaps a direct mailing would work for your flyers, if you could logically create a list of boys at the school.
  8. Our second year Webelos pay half. Our annual dues are $150, however it also takes into account any activity the families would be "nickel and dimed" for during the year. Campout fees, pinewood kits, etc. Unofficially, I think our advancements are pretty even during all rank years. Many scouts will run out of belt to put their loops on before getting to Webelos. Our second year Webelos also get to take 1/2 of their popcorn earnings (WEB II year only) to their troop, if they decline to participate in pack prizes.
  9. I was 12 at my first and only summer camp. It would have been 1983. As a patrol, or couple of patrols, we strip down to nothing and put on a small leather loincloth. It was nothing but a piece of leather and a strip of leather lace. We all went into an Indian wigwam type "sauna" where we had rocks heated by the fire with ladels of water poured over them to create the steam bath. The loincloths were small enough that the adults could only cover their front side. No "funny" business happened. Was I uncormfortable? You bet. But the swim in the cold river, was perhaps the most refreshing experience I had had in my lifetime (up until that point at least). Would I even be allowed to tell that story to scouting youth today?
  10. I think it may be a difficult task to ask a parent to re-sew on a patch. It would be for me. That being said, one approach may be not to worry about what is wrong now, but preventing it in the future. Make a presentation during a parent orientation night. It could be a special section "What do I do with all these patches". Show the new parents where they go. If you have tan shirt Webs, it could be fixed in a couple of years with less fuss and confrontations...
  11. Thank you for the warm welcomes! I have one son, a Webelos, looking to crossover in December. This is indeed a brand new charter. WE have a great committee so far, and I've had to remind them a couple of times that the boys will be incharge of programming/content. So I feel we've been able to somewhat nip WebIII in the bud a bit. The committee members are very advancement oriented, so it's been a delicate task, but they understand where I'm coming from, so I think it will work out. The hardest part (while planning this over the spring and summer) has actually been holding back on the planning so that the boys will have input once we start. Since our initial charter group of 5-7 scouts are young in rank and age (maybe one 2nd class), we have a plan to immerse them in ISLT and get them some Den Chief positions to practice leadership skills so they will be ready for the incoming scouts in December. This is about the only thing the Scoutmasters will gently push them on . We're hoping to differenciate ourselves via a low impact/lightweight camping program. We think it should work well with our current budget (none), however funds most likely will not be an issue in our troop. allangr1024: Thank you for the advice. I've been thinking about the leading questions I may be asking for some time now, and what may be asked of me. I really can't wait to say "Have you asked your Patrol Leader?"
  12. Greetings! I've been lurking here for 7 months or so as part of my preparation to becoming an ASM with a new troop. I'll have my training complete in September. I've been an assistant den leader Wolf-Webelos. I want to thank the frank conversationalists on this forum to help me get into the proper Boy Scout frame of mind. Cub Scouts has been frustrating to me because the structured programming that seems to be pervasive in our area. No self initiative required. If the scout attended a badge was taught, he gets credit. I'm hoping the Boy Scouts will somewhat rid me of that frustration. That's about as short and as sweet as I can make it for now. Presently, I'm looking forward to camping without the kitchen sink, providing Scouts with the information they need to succeed in advancement and in life, and generally just having some fun.
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