Thank you for the warm welcomes!
I have one son, a Webelos, looking to crossover in December.
This is indeed a brand new charter. WE have a great committee so far, and I've had to remind them a couple of times that the boys will be incharge of programming/content. So I feel we've been able to somewhat nip WebIII in the bud a bit. The committee members are very advancement oriented, so it's been a delicate task, but they understand where I'm coming from, so I think it will work out.
The hardest part (while planning this over the spring and summer) has actually been holding back on the planning so that the boys will have input once we start.
Since our initial charter group of 5-7 scouts are young in rank and age (maybe one 2nd class), we have a plan to immerse them in ISLT and get them some Den Chief positions to practice leadership skills so they will be ready for the incoming scouts in December. This is about the only thing the Scoutmasters will gently push them on .
We're hoping to differenciate ourselves via a low impact/lightweight camping program. We think it should work well with our current budget (none), however funds most likely will not be an issue in our troop.
allangr1024: Thank you for the advice. I've been thinking about the leading questions I may be asking for some time now, and what may be asked of me.
I really can't wait to say "Have you asked your Patrol Leader?"