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  1. As I have said earlier, I have many boy scout mess kits. I also have an almost complete set of scout handbooks. Scouting has changed a lot since the 60s. Scouts used to make their own tents. Our troop uses the latest in high tech camping equipment. We have a huge trailer that has to be pulled by a 3/4 ton truck. Now, we don't let them cook on open fires. We teach kids how to build fires and then make them cook on propane gas stoves. I would like to see a return to a simpler, more primitive brand of scouting.
  2. I collect Boy Scout mess kits. I didn't really intend to, but when you start looking for one with a certain cup you are a collector. I even have a Regal girl scout mess kit with a metal cup. I have a old Wearever mess kit that has never been on the fire. I have an older Wearever mess kit that has been used. The Wearever mess kits are at least 50 years old. There are Wearever and Regal brand mess kits. When did Wearever start making mess kits and when did Regal start making them. There are some steal Boy Scout mess kits! Who made them, and when were they made. When did Regal go from the metal cup to the green plastic cup? I don't have any new mess kits, what color are the cups now? These are the kind of questions I would like to have answered. I know that mess kits have fallen from favor with scouters. However, I believe that Boy Scout mess kits are an important part of the lore and tradition of the Boy Scouts. If you have any favorite recipes that you made in a Boy Scout mess kit, please send them to me.
  3. Does anyone know anything about the history of boy scout mess kits?
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