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  1. Outdoor Thinker wrote:>I know that this string was started at the beginning of the summer, KMGFINEART, I hope your son enjoyed his camp staffing experience, as much as I did. I know I am looking forward to reapplying. I miss camp already!! > Just a quick follow-up: He loved it! And can't wait to go back, but maybe not for the entire stint, since summer is short, and we are trying to fit a two or three-week trip for him to see my godfather, who is getting on in years, during that time. But he made friends, and had fun, and was a good Scout! Scouting has really helped him become a great young man. Eventually he got used to the mosquitoes, learned to keep track of all the boys and their blue cards (over a thousand of them, since he was in charge of the entire handicrafts area - at fifteen years old?!), came back home tanned, strong and thinner - not that he needed to be, just that he was too busy to eat much! And loved scouting. He wants to staff Philmont some day, he said.
  2. Outdoor Thinker wrote:>I know that this string was started at the beginning of the summer, KMGFINEART, I hope your son enjoyed his camp staffing experience, as much as I did. I know I am looking forward to reapplying. I miss camp already!! > Just a quick follow-up: He loved it! And can't wait to go back, but maybe not for the entire stint, since summer is short, and we are trying to fit a two or three-week trip for him to see my godfather, who is getting on in years, during that time. But he made friends, and had fun, and was a good Scout! Scouting has really helped him become a great young man. Eventually he got used to the mosquitoes, learned to keep track of all the boys and their blue cards (over a thousand of them, since he was in charge of the entire handicrafts area - at fifteen years old?!), came back home tanned, strong and thinner - not that he needed to be, just that he was too busy to eat much! And loved scouting. He wants to staff Philmont some day, he said.
  3. I am a single mother - his dad left when he was two and I chose the BSA organization for examples of healthy adult role models. So far, excepting this current SM, I have been tremendously blessed. And so has my son. I talked with the ASM last night and he was sorry for how the adults handled it. It's unfortunate that the SM has such a bad attitude towards my son, who is an honor student and a good scout, and his attitude has badly affected my son's attitude towards him and the troop. But thankfully, not towards scouting. I will take a wait and see viewpoint and make my son tough out the next four months till the next court of honor when he will have completed his term. Then we will meet with the scoutmaster and discuss whether the SM wants my son to remain in the troop or send him on to another, where he also has friends, with his blessing. This guy also didn't file his initial Eagle Scout paperwork with council, which also disappoints me. My son has been working on his project for several months now. Thank you for all your input!!
  4. My son just became SPL of his troop and the adults planned the entire year activities on a day and time when they knew that he would not be able to be there (he was still staffing scout camp and they knew that). There has been no communication from the adult leaders to the new SPL or ASPL, other than setting up and emailing them the calendar. The first meeting of the year the SM and ASM yelled at the SPL and the ASPL for not calling them or planning the meeting. I know for a fact that no one showed them how to plan a meeting in the first place. I am wondering how much support and what kind of support the adult leaders are supposed to offer the boys and whether the boys are supposed to initiate that or have the adults contact them re: orientation to the position. And how long should that have to take? My son who is almost 16 and has lots of scout experience, came home from the meeting very discouraged and said "They want a boy-run troop but they won't let us make any decisions. Mr. X (the asst SM) put together the entire agenda without involving us and then yelled at us for not having a plan. We had a plan but it was different from his." Just wonder if anyone else has run into something like this before and what you would suggest.
  5. Any suggestions as to what to send up/ not to send up in "Care Packages"? Son wants me to send lots of soda; not so sure that's such a good idea. Besides, it's heavy! Maybe lemonade mixes? Thanks, KG
  6. Thank you for the encouragement. I know a lot of people who aren't parents but are great people persons and who are an indispensable part of a healthy youth program. Some are in scouting, and some are teachers I know. I think you are right in that it'll probably be harder for me than for my son. He'll do OK, as long as no trees fall on him (that happened to one WI camper last year) ! My concerns: eating right, getting enough sleep and staying on good terms with his superiors over a long haul like that. But your experience seems to be helpful in assessing his response and he'll have lots to tell his friends when he comes home! Thanks, KG
  7. I am sending my son off to staff scout camp for nine weeks and am wondering whether anyone has any good tips or advice for me regarding this. Last year he went to Philmont and did OK. He's pretty familiar with the camp but it's some hours away from home and a long time to be away. Thanks, KG
  8. My son went to Philmont last year and, in spite of having a good pack which fitted him (that's the first concern I think) the hip strap broke and a cotter pin came loose. So my suggestion is to make sure you bring some duct tape and extra cotter pins or fasteners JIC, and try on several packs with gear or such in it to get a sense of how it feels loaded up. BTW, it was a great experience for him! Good luck!
  9. Just got a call from my son saying that he climbed up and down Baldy, got back to base camp, and that, in spite of some blisters on the toes of one foot, he had a great time and would go back again. I appreciate all your support and help during his trip! Kathy G
  10. Well, we shipped him off on Amtrak to the Ranch this afternoon! There were about fifty scouts total from several different troops on the same train. They're going to have a good time! I really appreciate your support and I am confident that he will be able to deal with most of whatever comes his way. His scoutmaster and the assistant have both been there before, and I bought him some new liner socks and an extra water bottle. So he's set with equipment, and he has a good attitude. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything! But I don't expect to get a call for two weeks. Thanks, Kathy
  11. My 14 year old is going to Philmont for the first time and I am getting a bit worried, after reading about all the hazards that are present there. Plus the fires. I understand that after the first few days your trail guide takes off, leaving you alone in the wilderness with your itinerary. The scoutmaster hasn't been able to get any infor from the Ranch about their trek due to so many of the trails being closed. Should I postpone this trip until a better time? I am very concerned, after reading about the fires, tornadoes, flashfloods and other hazards they can encounter out there. Plus I understand that the trails are very mountainous and dangerous. I'm ready to tell my son he can't go, after paying all that money for the trek up front. I don't care. I'd rather be out the money than put my son's life at rissk. Any advice would be greatly welcome!! KG
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