KL Wisconsin
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Pros/Cons of Women/Girls in Boy Scouting
KL Wisconsin replied to Annalisa's topic in Open Discussion - Program
My experience includes being a leader in Cub Scouting, and Girl Scouting, Boy Scouting and now in Venturing as well as several years of being a Coach/Advisor in Odyssey of the Mind (a coed program.) What I am finding in the coed programming of Venturing in the USA is that the female youth are dominating in the executive and leadership roles. This is occuring both within my crew and at our councilwide Venturing and Exploring forum. The male youth are very comfortable with taking direction from the female youth leader and working cooperatively with them. I see a marked contrast to the GOBs that exist in the adult scouter network. The one problem area we have experienced is the aggressiveness of some few youth who want to make everything a dating situation and refuse to give up when rebuffed. We have had to handle sexual harrassment of males by female youth. While this is a challenge, maybe correcting such behavior within the framework of a program like scouting will help these kids development in other life situations. I don't know if this is the kind of information you are looking for, but please contact me off this list if you want further data. -
We have them made at a local sign and pin shop. They use a plastic material and engrave the letters. So the letters are white on a black background (like the name signs on someone's office desk) and the Boy Scout emblem is stamped in silver. There was a small, one time charge for making a Boy Scout emblem stamp. Now the name badges cost us around $2 a badge.
Okay, evmori, I give,what does PADBALLS stand for?
Some excellent comments have been posted here and in the thread regarding the foul mouthed (rotten) Eagle. Let me just add that Boy Scouts has a good video available that discusses sexual abuse and how to handle situations. I think this video or one like it, should be shown to all the scouts annually. I personally viewed it at a scout meeting where all the parents were told in advance that the video would be shown and were very much encouraged to attend the meeting themselves. Unfortunately I do not know the name of the video, but one of the scenes showed a group of young boys who are flattered by the attention of an older youth, then enticed by the older boy into nude wrestling, which the older teen was videotaping all under the guise of a special club. One boy "recruit" leaves and tries to tell his father his concerns, but dad only half listens and starts reminiscing about his own fraternity and the fun he had, etc. The boy finally goes to his mother for help. It showed several plausible situations and some of the steps in resolving them. I hope someone else can tell us the name of that video and if it is viewed in their troop meetings.
Patrols grouped by age - Pros/Cons
KL Wisconsin replied to Mike F's topic in Open Discussion - Program
We have changed to using age specific patrols. New scout patrol, second year scout patrol, third year patrol,and a Venture Patrol made up of all the high school age scouts. IMHO, it seems a lot like a continuation of Cub scouting, just that these patrols aren't named Wolf, Bear, etc. I feel we are losing a lot of the natural mentoring and leadership opportunities that occurs in mixed age patrols. Formerly, we changed patrol makeup every six months, also not an ideal situation. The troop is roughly 35 boys, so given this configuration, if the scout isn't comfortable in a patrol with his peers he has no other options, put up or drop out. The Venture Patrol does nothing different than the other patrols, it is just the oldest boys patrol. I've questioned the change and been told the PLC chose to do it that way because the boys wanted to be with their friends. -
My son has Potawatomi Council 2001 National Jamboree patches and regular CSP to trade. We are from southeastern Wisconsin outside of Milwaukee. If anyone is interested in trading, please give a email address to reach you off this board and we can exchange addresses. He is not interested in selling patches, just one for one trades.
HIgh school age Girl Scouts are Senior scouts
Your area is providing the troops with a higher percentage than we get. Here the fall sale gives troops 30% if they participate in incentive gifts and 32% if they don't take the premiums for sales milestones. Spring sale has no premiums except the over $1000 sales one provided by the popcorn manufacturer and the troop gets 31%. And there is a $5 item available from Trail's End. It is a 6-pack of microwave popcorn. Most councils do not offer it for sale because of the very idea someone stated earlier, people look over the order form and search for the least expensive item to order. But you can talk to your council and ask them to start including the $5 items on your sales forms and/or have them for Show and Sell sales.
How about having your older scout patrol mentor the new scout patrol? Have them start by participating in some way at the Blue and Gold crossover then take some ownership in helping the new scouts learn their skills? Or conversely, make their patrol a Venture Patrol and let them plan a super-activity for just their Venture patrol?
We've been blessed...God Help us!!
KL Wisconsin replied to Weekender's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Weekender, your stations idea sounds good, but I too caution against "the race" idea. And perhaps more variety in the stations. More than one knot station, less memorization to make it seem less like school-type memorizing stuff. Maybe a station on knife handling safety or fire building instead. Or first aid or a compass station or how to set up a tent. Things that they would not have had in Cubs, if they were Cubs, or a combo of think stations and action stations. Or how about a real "trick questions" station...pull a paper out of hat and do what it says...name the scoutmaster?, the SPL?, state what an SPL is?, name the next rank in scouting?, when is our next campout? etc. Remember, they are just 11 yrs. max., keep it fun and mix it up a lot. Think like an 11 year old. He didn't join scouts for homework type memorization, but to get his hands on a tent, a knife, a compass and to make a fire and go do stuff. I just listened to a scoutmaster have a meeting with the new scouts and their parents. He had a great power point presentation with graphics explaining the scout aims, merit badge program, upcoming trips like Philmont and summer camp. It was beautiful, from an adult perspective. But as soon as the boys could ask questions, not a one asked anything about what he'd just presented. The new scouts questions were all about how soon they could go camping, and use a knife and what the troop's tents looked like, etc. Good luck with your new Scouts. -
Our troop also works for an entertainment venue, Miller Park home of the Milwaukee Brewers. We get 10% of the revenue generated that night at the booth. It averages $600 a night, and remember when you are talking about hourly rates, these are tax-free dollars. The downside of this fundraiser is that the minimum age is 16, therefore our younger scouts cannot participate. We also sell popcorn. Lots of it. We do Spring Show and Sell to give funds to our new scouts for camp. Our most successful fundraisers, however, are selling spring bedding plants and hanging baskets. We sell the bedding plants using order forms. We buy the plants by the full flat and sell in half flats. We offer any odd half-flats left over to the parents at a discount. We sell the hanging baskets in front of local stores from the back of a truck on the day before Mother's Day. We have been doing this for years and the community looks forward to buying these ready-made Mother's Day presents. We buy them from a local nursery on a consignment basis. We have a concession stand at our community festival, too. The boys made the stand, determined the menu, and determine the quantity of food to purchase, etc. They deal with the health inspectors, suppliers, festival committee, etc. It is a great learning experience for them. Any leftover food is donated to a nearby shelter.
Our Council has a policy of limiting a merit badge counsellor to a maximum of 7 different merit badges, no more than three of the 7 being Eagle required merit badges. I think this kind of restriction does help insure the scout is working with different counsellors as he moves up the ranks.
How sould the Patrol Method solve this?
KL Wisconsin replied to Bob White's topic in Open Discussion - Program
>It would appear that this no dues resolution does not follow the ideal Scouting program. Is there a way that the patrol method could change this?< Wait a minute. With all due respect, the patrol method did work on your dues question. They decided on sweat equity as their way of funding the program. They didn't just say everybody's parents should just write a check. They determined that they would work together for the common goal of funding their scouting experience. What makes that inferior to doing chores independently and bringing in the money to a meeting? This is supposed to be fun with a purpose. And teamwork and working toward common goal all goes into it. So they voted to do their "dues collection" through group labor. Sounds like the patrol system works again. -
If you are debating between the 14-16 Large Youth shirt and the Extra-Large youth size, then I've got a suggestion for you. The very experienced,wise lady at our scout shop recommends you purchase him an Adult Small instead. She explained that the Adult Small is cut much narrower than the Youth Extra-Large and really fits normal to slim boys better. She only recommends the Extra-Large Youth for Husky (full-figured) fellas. Put the shirts together side to side and you will see what she means, neck, waist shoulders, etc. are smaller on Adult Small than on the Youth Extra Large.
- Can girls join Boy Scouts? (Yes, in Venturing crews and Sea Scout Ships) - What Boy Scout leadership position works with non-Boy Scouts? (Den Chief to a Cub Scout den) - Scout Sunday occurs in what month? - How long do you have to be in Scouting to earn your First Class rank? same for other ranks? - What should you be able to do at an extinguished fire to know the fire is totally out? - Name at least one famous Eagle Scout. (You might want to give a few examples as part of your introduction to the badge. I think President Ford was an Eagle, for an example that ties into Citizenship badges) - What knot would you use to attach two ropes that are not the same thickness? - What knot is easy to untie even when the rope is wet? -