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kitty's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. How do other Cub Scout Packs get the parents to volunteer?
  2. My Cub Scout Pack needs ideas on how to get parents to volunteer for coordinating events and as new den leaders. We want to have another round-up, but must get more volunteers before we take on any more boys!
  3. Our Pack has 50 Cub Scouts and only about 10 parents doing all the work. Our dens have approximately 10-15 boys in each one (Wolves - Webelos) and only 1 den leader each - we can't breakdown the dens to the recommended 5-6 boys because we don't have anyone who wants to step forward to be a den leader. I am the Committee Chair for the first time and our Pack Committee is at it's wits end to find volunteers for events as well as new Den Leaders. The same parents keep coordinating all the events and some are becoming very frustrated. We use our Pack meetings, newsletters and e-mails asking for volunteers - but so far it has not worked. Please - what works for your Cub Scout Pack? We have wonderful parents who attend Den and Pack meetings with their boys every month - but none that will volunteer a little more - I know there are some experienced parents out there who can help me!
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