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Everything posted by kittle

  1. By the way, I can't go into specifics, so as to protect them child from further problems. He has always been a really good kid and he needs people to just mind their own business.
  2. Can council kick a boy out because of rumors that they might have heard about him. Nothing confirmed and most of them blow way out from the truth? Would they at least need to call the family and ask them what is going on or can they kick him out blindly? We have a situation with a boy that I know and I want to make sure he is treated fairly.
  3. kenk, He has been active in Troop 1 since he crossed over. We were approached about helping to start a Troop in our small town. He didn't want to completely leave his current Troop but felt that his experience would be a good thing for the new Troop. The older boys in his current Troop wished to start a Team, and he wanted to be part of it also. We are going to get more uniforms for Jamboree, but are waiting for the discount that council is going to give for those. We should find out the 31st how much it is going to be and when it will be given to us.
  4. Scoutnut, I meant to write that the Team and Troop are sponsored by the same church. I know that they are not sponsored by the Troop. Yeah, we will just have to do the best we can for now, cause I don't have the money to buy 2 more uniforms.
  5. My son is currently registered in 2 Troops and a Team. Which uniform should he wear. The Team is sponsored by one of the Troops that he is registered in. He is also going to Jamboree, so I will have to deal with changing patches on his shirts this summer any way.
  6. emb021 You understood correctly. This committee member/person who keeps the records is also the person who turns things into council. Therefore no advancement records have been turned into council for this. I talked to enough people that I think the situation has been fixed and won't happen again. I want my son's situation worked out but I also don't want other boys to go through what my son has. I want the program to be better for all boys involved now and to come.
  7. Conversation went well today. SM knew nothing of the new situation and told son to not worry that he would take care of the situation. I was prepared for any arguement and there wasn't one of any kind. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.
  8. Thanks everyone for your responses. we have our regular meeting today. Committee chair is going to be there as is SM and an ASM. CC and I have already discussed this and she wants to talk to the SM and this ASM, which is fine. Son and I are going to talk to them about this today.
  9. Not SM who is questioning son. It is a member of committee, advancement chair. Want to defend SM, he has been good. SM approved it during SMs conference, son went before board and they approved, board member who wasn't there (one in charge of records) informed that it wasn't done correctly.(This message has been edited by kittle)
  10. I've looked at and read over the requirements for Den Chief. Is there a work book somewhere that they need to fill out detailing exactly what they did/are doing? Can they work with any age Cub Scouts? My son has been working with a Cub Scout Pack since about March (officially) and sometime last year (unofficially). He was using this as his POR for Life Scout and the SM knew and approved him doing the position. I was told Tuesday night that he didn't work with a Webelos den or fill out a workbook so none of his time would count. I already talked to someone at district level and he was wonderful, but I was wondering if other Troops had these same policies about Den Chief.
  11. meant to say we are not unhappy in our current troop. Must have been tired when I typed that.
  12. Scoutldr We were approached by the Webelos leader, who would be the ASM, and his wife who is the Cub Master for the Pack. We have a Charter Organization, the same one that sponsors the Cub Scouts. The COR would be the same as for Cubs (he is an Eagle and understands the program). There are already 3 Webelos that should be crossing over, 1 boy who has wanted to join for about a year but mother won't drive him 20+ miles to a local Troop, 2 brothers (one of which is almost First Class, long story but he wants to get back into scouting), and my son (who is almost Eagle). My son would be 'dual' registered, his current SM and the committee are aware of what is going on and are supportive of it. They feel that he has a lot to offer a group of boys. We are unhappy in our current Troop, but it would be nice to get a Troop running locally so that as my other boys get into Boy Scouts we wouldn't have to travel as much for it. I am going to be a leader wherever we are. My son and I have discussed it and he would like to give back to his community a little by trying this, but he doesn't want to totally leave current Troop til after he has finished his Eagle. The Charter Organization was hoping when they agreed to sponsor a Pack that a Troop would follow. I have approached them and let them know that we would need a group that would be willing to help with our BORs. There are at least 4 former SMs, 5 or 6 Eagles, and several that have had sons in Scouts. allangr1024, I have several older Scout books that I use as reference material now. I do like the older books.
  13. I don't really know exactly what to ask. My son and I have been approached once again about helping to start a Troop in our town. There are finally enough boys interested that it is feasible. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated. I've been ASM for a couple of years now and my son has been in Boy Scouts for about 5 years. I know the basics. Kittle
  14. We were actually told by council level about boys being able to be dual registered. Our Troop now's SM has offered some support to this effort. I have mentioned for some time that if they could get enough boys for a Troop maybe they could camp with another Troop til the boys were more established. If they are able to be dual registered, my son would technically be registered with 3 Troops (original, new and Jamboree) and is Den Chief for the Pack in our community. Thanks everybody for sharing your answers and thoughts. Eagle 92, My son is not a member of OA. He was hoping to be elected last election, but didn't make it. And not to brag, but yes my son does have the spirit of an Eagle Scout. It has been a long trip, but he has just about made it.
  15. I know that you have to wonder why would a boy want to be registered in more than one, but there is a good reason. We live in a very small community and have been trying to get a Troop started for some time. We can barely keep a Pack going. My son has said that he would be willing to transfer membership to another Troop after he has finished his Eagle, but that he wanted to finish with the boys that he started with. We were told last night that he could actually be registered with 2 Troops in order to help these other boys get a Troop started. It would be great if we got a Troop going, I have 2 more boys to take through the program and I am tired of driving 30 miles one way.
  16. Our Troop only gives credit if the position is 'active'. If our Troop didn't meet during the summer, we wouldn't give credit.(This message has been edited by kittle)
  17. Scoutnut, Yes, SM had signed off on POR. He was PL leader for 3 months as Star, the DC was to make up the remainder of the time needed.
  18. Finally calmed down enough to call Committee Chair yesterday. She said son did wonderful at BOR and that they were never suggesting that he have a new one. It was not turned in to committee person who keeps records that my son had ever taken over as DC. The Committee member who called Cub Master was not supposed to and the CC has no idea why. She said that if they get a copy of letter from CM they will back date his DC and he would therefore have enough time in POR and his date of advancement will stand as the date of previous BOR. Things were not explained in a manner that my son understood and CC thought that the SM would discuss it with me and him since I am ASM but I couldn't be at the meeting that night. I should be able to have it fixed in the next week. Thanks for letting me vent and work it through. BTW, CC, who was his previous SM, said that she could really see how much my son had matured and was really proud of him. She was very sorry that he was upset about the situation.
  19. Beevah and SMT224, I hope you both got my messages. With that said, I will post again when we are given the rationale behind it. My whole point to begin with was that if th BOR had a problem, why didn't they ask him to show proof or whatever they wanted before revoking and marking it out in is book. Wouldn't that have been the best and least hurtful way of doing things?(This message has been edited by kittle) By the way, Mike, I think it is just the policy of our Troop.(This message has been edited by kittle)
  20. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts. Beevah, I have not been trying to run interference for my son. If I had been, he would already been Eagle and we would be out of the Troop for a few years. I know the content of the conversation because the CM shared with me the conversation before she knew what had happened to my son. My son chose this POR because he wanted to help the Cubs in this small Pack and to do his part to maybe keep it active for the boys in our town. I was not overly involved from February when he took on his duties until this last week when I took over as DL and brought my younger son back to the local Pack. I have helped the CM out as she has needed it and helped to teach some of the skills that she might not have been as familiar with. Most of you have been really friendly and tried to help. I will try not to come back to this forum for help in the future. It has been nice.
  21. The question asked of the Cub Master was only if their Pack met during the summer, which the answer was yes. Then was asked if my son attended those meeting, which the answer was yes. I am an ASM with the Troop and have been helping this new Pack get started and going strong as they are a very small Pack from a very small town. I went to any meeting with him that I did not have to work. Part of the problem is that the SM never wrote down in the records when my son started as Den Chief. As NealOnWheels stated, I can't make a big fuss about it because it could cause him trouble when he goes for his Eagle BOR. They weren't too happy that he didn't have all his Eagle required MBs already. And one of the members on our Troop committee is also on the District committee. my son loves scouts, but I am tired of the politics of it. And I still have 2 more sons to take through the program (another 15 years). By the way, my son took over helping this Pack at least 6 months before the SM would let him be Den Chief. He couldn't hold 2 POR at one time and he was already a Patrol leader.(This message has been edited by kittle)
  22. His book was signed off and then marked out. It hasn't been turned in to council so it isn't official, I just felt that it was dirty to tell the boy one thing at the BOR and then change the decision.
  23. My son wnet before BOR last week for Life and was approved. He went to his regular weekly meeting and was told by the SM that the advancement was now being taken back. I then found out yesterday that one of he committee members called the CubMaster/Den leader from the Pack that my son is den chiefing for. My son was aggravated about the whole deal, but there isn't much he can do about it. So, I guess that my question is 'Can they do this? and Is it really fair?'
  24. Our total cost will be $1660. The first 2 payments are going to be the hardest to make because I have a broken leg and unable to work.
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