In our Troop we have come to calling the adults the "Geezer Patrol". We have set ourselves in this manner as a way to model to the youth an acting patrol. We have our design for a patch to let the scouts know they can do the same. At Summer camp we participate in the Adult Patrol Games and earn the merit badge for adults as well. We have our own Geezer Patrol cheer. On camping trips we set up our own duty roster and assign other duties to the adults as needed (ie Grubmaster, quartermaster). We have participated in several Patrol Service Projects, Working at the Habitat for Humanity warehouse for a day, Sewing blankets for the needy, Cooking for a Dedication Ceremony for the Open of a new Condo Unit for Habitat for Humanity.
Some may say we are just playing Boy Scout and as adults we are are not supposed to.
As I stated at the beginning, we are trying to model a working Patrol for the Scouts. We feel that if we ask the Scouts to work this way, Patrol Method, we should be able to do the same. We never have kids ask us, "How come the adults don't have to do it?" We lead by example. So by wearing our Geezer Patrol patch on our sleeve we are just showing a little Patrol Spirit, just like we ask our boys to do.
As far as Wood Badge patrol patches, neither I nor any of the adults in our Troop wear ours at Troop meetings. Its only during a beading ceremony that we remember who was in what patrol. And only then do we Buffalo reign supreme.