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Everything posted by KelcemaChief

  1. I'm a new scouter and hope to attend WB someday... just wanted to throw in my two cents on movies in training. I agree somewhat with desertrat77 - I also cringed at films used for training in my military career (and especially in my college career). However: when I worked in management at a large financial company I took a two-day "Situational Leadership" course that was phenomenal. Part of that course involved watching "Twelve O'Clock High" and then discussing and writing about the various leadership styles used by the characters. Very illuminating - but only because it was all brought home by the discussion and exercises that followed the movie. The course was not developed by the corporation but by a third party company that specializes in such things.
  2. Wow momof2cubs, that's a hardcore pack! I thought paining ceremonies were reserved for Navy Seals and the like... ;-)
  3. "I did a video game night for a Scout troop circa 2006 or so. A lot of new boys came. None ever came back." Gee, SP - sounds like quite the missed opportunity there. What could have been done differently to create a more positive outcome?
  4. It took 53 years for the BSA to integrate the "Negro" troops. My great-uncle, born in 1916, never stopped bemoaning the fact that I was in a cub pack with "colored" kids. I loved him with all my heart, but the man was a racist. As were/are many, if not most, of his generation. It's just the way society was then. But society changes. How many whites left scouting in 1974 due to integration? How many CO's pulled their support? Did the BSA survive? Note: I am arguing neither for nor against changing the BSA policy on homosexual membership.
  5. I'm troubled by these "Muslim only" swims SeattlePioneer mentioned. Special treatment for "minority" religions? Horrible! What will they demand next - altering the scout camp schedule? Oh, wait a minute...
  6. I remember I knew a fellow scout back in the late 80's who did this. Hi mother was quite proud of the savings. We were in different troops but attended the same high school, were on summer camp staff together, and he was on my LEC when I was Lodge Chief. The shirt was tan, but the color was a bit too white-ish. And the pockets were almost square - they just had the bottom corners cut at 45-degree angles, which made his lodge flap look funny on the pocket. Honestly, I don't recall any Scouter ever giving him any grief over it. Us scouts, however, razzed him incessantly...
  7. CalicoPenn, Are you certain about that discontinued date of 1979? I was in an Explorer post from 1987-89, and we all wore the forest green Explorer shirt. I bought mine new at the council scout shop in 1987. I alternated between my tan and green uniform shirts when I was on summer camp staff in 88 and 89, much to the chagrin of our camp director.
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