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Everything posted by keithbeeb

  1. Wow, thanks for the great responses. There were several points brought that I had not thought of. I did know they could be indifferent types (Troop & Crew for example) but the same council - different troops was/is a new one. Once again, thanks everybody.
  2. Never knew that. But doesn't that open the program to abuse of the MB's? where is the incentative to be with the same troop? how do you verify the signatures of completed requirements? in the 8 years I have been in the Scouts this is the first time it has come up. Do you happen to kow what the policy number is?
  3. Can a Scout be a member of multiple units? I am being told that a Scout can be registered in one district, attend another districts meetings/campouts/fundraisers and be advanced through another unit. This policy supposedly went into affect 01 Aug 2011. It is called "multiple use" registration or something to that affect. Has anybody heard anything?
  4. based off of this is it possible to award the T,W,B rank at the end of the year at cross over or does every body award it as soon as the scout is eligible? i ask as this has come up before but i am kinda curious as to what everybody does.
  5. just shooting this out there but has anybody ever made a SOP for a Pack unit? i will transferring over to the Scouts with my son next year and i want to ensure that everything has been passed on. being retired Army i can make an SOP but i was wondering if anybody had one made for the scouts already. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. is this through BSA so the boys could wear it on the uniform? the awards look sharp and the requirements are good. thanks for the work.
  7. i lead this with my pack and it took approx 3 months to get the awards back. i even filed complaints with the BBB and they informed me that they had requested info from them but they never responded back. all dens did receive their awards but it took forever. also, whenever i tried to call it always said that due to manning levels they could not respond to phone inquires.
  8. are there any fundraising that is not allowed? the popcorn fundraiser is just to expensive.
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