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Everything posted by kbandit

  1. Coleman.com has non-profit pricing such as the 9x7 Sundome for $40.79. The account is good for everyone in the troop. You need to fill out the information and get a number for non-profit pricing.
  2. To LisaNJ Remind the absent parents that BSA does NOT stand for Babysitters of America. They are really missing out on the wonderful opportunity of spending fun time with their son.
  3. One cannot predict whether this Eagle scout will be active while on college breaks. Our troop has had some Eagles participate on their college breaks and some not. That should not be a deciding factor on whether to pay for Eagle kit. Our troop even buys the sheet cake, punch and paper products for the reception (enough for 100). Thank you for making sure he gets his kit. My 2 cents
  4. Hubby and 20yr old Eagle son received theirs today. Can see hubby getting one but Eagle son rarely attends a meeting or anything else due to work so don't know how he got on the list. Guess I'll ask around the adults in troop and see how many got one. We will be unable to attend due to unemployment and everything that goes with that.
  5. What does you troop do/allow if the sports/band scout wants to come/go during a campout? If your troop allows the scouts to come and go who keeps track of who is there and who is not? Thanks
  6. Yeah we saw that last night. Pretty sweet ride.
  7. When my sons were in Cubs the pack asked that he made his cake with a person who does NOT cook on a regular basis. This pack had themes also. One year it was the Lion King. Well hubby and son made the ruins. This cake was 3 foot by 4 foot. Cost $40 to make and $60 to buy back. Priceless. Got the award for biggest cake. LOL Some things you just don't forget. The pack also had the requirement that the kitchen got cleaned after the cake was made. Thanks for the memory.
  8. REQ # 15 Boy Scout troop was mentioned on the workbook I read. Your pack should have a relationship with a BS troop who may be willing to assist. The merit badge counselor for the (BS troop) First Aid merit badge should be able to assist in explaining any of the treatments. Others who could assist: nurse, doctor, paramedic, fireman. Sounds like you are making this more difficult than it needs to be. These are 9-10 year olds. Our troop assisted a Webelo a couple of weeks ago finishing his Readyman. First Aid merit badge counselor and a couple volunteer Boy Scouts. My 2 cents
  9. I put together a folder (cheap pocket folders they run on sale at school supply time 5 cents) and include a boy scout application, troop calendar, welcome letter, sample permission slip w/packling list, summer camp info, cold weather camping tips, medical form, troop policy, and contact sheet. I pass them out to the prospective new scouts in Jan. as we do crossover in Feb. We (SM (hubby) and I) go to the Webelo meeting in Jan. and talk to Webelos and their parents about what is in the packet. The Webelos have already been out to troop meetings in Oct. as we do a campout and skill race for the Webelos in Nov. and invite them to come and practice for several weeks. This is designed for the AOL requirement. The troop invites several other troops and their Webelos to participate. Every participant gets an award of some type. Promote upcoming activities. Promote camping. Explain how scouts pay thier own way through fundraisers. Explain how Boy Scout advancement works. Promote what your scouts love to do. Please feel free to email me and I can send you any of the handouts I do, most are in Word. Good luck with your new scouts.
  10. Why not find someone who has some computer and artistic talent and design your own? MS Word has templetes to print invitations. Do a search online from Word and it gives some templetes. There is a heavier type of paper called card stock you could use. Don't know if scout shop has pre-designed invitation for this purpose. There maybe someone in your pack who is willing to take on this project. Could add individual pictures of the scout in uniform on the front for a more personal touch. Be sure to get you envelopes first so that you don't print invitations that you cannot find envelopes for. If trimming is needed I would think most schools or churches have a paper cutter.
  11. I have found that sometimes you need to request the ribbon and fill out the paperwork. I don't believe our council hands out the ribbons it once did. Don't know why maybe cost. We do manage to add a few a year. One you must fill out paperwork for is the National Camping Award.
  12. Drink lots of bug juice. Remember sometimes adults don't play nice with each other. Have FUN!! It's for the scouts. Ask others (parents) to do things to help. Boys will be boys.
  13. I am the one who keeps track of the medicals for our troop. I am glad to see everyone going to a yearly. Reasoning behind this is health changes and medical care can depend on up-to-date information. Thank goodness never had to rely on a medical form. Three years was too long of a time, sure parents are supposed to update but... The tracking of current med. forms will be easier for me as everyone will need a new one each year.
  14. Your second link on age appropiate activities, it must have a black line through it to be OK to do. Fire building is listed and not appropiate for that age group as such not covered by BSA insurance if something goes wrong.
  15. I would hope I could control myself over any comment directed at me or mine, so my answer would be never. Self defense in my opinion is when someone attacks physically.
  16. Contact a car dealer and see if you can borrow some of the flags they put in the carlot. Set up a concession stand. (donated stuff you can sell) Grudge races at 25cents. Dads vs. scout car type of thing. scout vs. cubmaster. Ask for donations of old bowling, car show trophies. Trophy stores sell the tops pretty cheap and easy to change. We got a ton that way and they were pretty nice. Years ago our cub pack had a 6ft. grand winner traveling trophy (donated see above) that we added the scout's name to each year. one year was as long as anyone wanted it to sit around. LOL Unlimited class-only has to fit on the track for those talented people. had a stage coach one year. Try to get an imparcial judge. Does not care who wins. No family involved. Most of all make it fun for everyone. Nothing worse than a crying scout.
  17. What makes me a little more comfortable is : changing socks before getting into sleeping bag (feet may not feel damp but change socks) extra blanket inside sleeping bag to kill cold spots a pair of sleeping pants or ? under pants/coveralls so that I dont have to change to get in sleeping bag lots of warm drinks available big fire pack extra sleeping bags for those scouts that get cold easily (1 inside the other) extra gloves/hat (someone is bound to loose one or the other) I know be prepared. always something hot with meal (soup etc) wind break for those blustery days/nights hubby and I throw a piece of plastic over the netting in the top of tent keeps out blustery winds somewhat (not sealed but better than normal)(under the rain fly) I keep hand warmers but very rarely use them. Had same ones for couple years. Remember lots of things take more time to cook when its cold. Water freezes at 32 degrees LOL. If you have a tarp use big pieces of plastic to make a wind break. (home improvement stores sell it buy the roll) Have a great time kbandit
  18. Why would they need to file a local tour permit? You only need the permit if you are traveling out of your Council area. There is a lot of distrust that I'm reading in your post. Is there something I'm missing? Does your Webelos do their "own" thing and maybe your just not up to speed with what they have been doing? Have a cup of coffee with DL and have a friendly chat as to what they have been doing. You might be pleasently suprised. The tour permit still has me puzzled as to why it would be required? I am with a boy scout troop that invites Webelos to attend outings and campouts with us. We do not invite the whole pack and usually deal with the Webelos leader.
  19. Elmer's white school glue will temp. hold a patch to be stitched. It washes out. kbandit
  20. Thanks for the suggestions and websites. I will check these out.
  21. Try www.netknots.com This looks like you can hit print on task bar and print out the page.
  22. Our troop is looking to purchase a bugle. Any suggestions on what to look for when purchasing? Dealers? Brand names? Suggestions? We are not looking for the very top of the line bugle but one that a scout could learn on and play. Thanks kbandit
  23. Wish I had a dollar for each phone call my house has received. We have 3 voters living here. The answering machine has gotten quite a workout. Kbandit
  24. Don't understand why the bad check was brought up to the charter. As treasurer for a troop I have received a couple of NSF checks over the years, I call the person and explain that their check was returned, they have already been notified by their bank prior to my call so it is no suprise if they open their mail. Have never even had to get CC involved as they were promply taken care of (with service fee from bank included). I do note the initials of the scout on checks they receive so I know where they came from if the check writer does not take care of the check in a timely manner. Most parents know the check writers of the checks the youth receive. I would try not to embarass the check writer as it could have been an honest mistake however I would use all legal means possible to recover scout funds. I would involve the CC only if it seemed to me as the check writer was not going to take care of the Nsf check in a reasonable amount of time. I would first call then write a letter to the check writer and then if no response talk to CC. I would like to think most people would not stiff the scouts on a check.
  25. Our council will also take back show and sell popcorn. They then use it to fill take orders. I would make a phone call to your council, you may have gotten wrong information. Good luck. kbandit
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