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Everything posted by kbandit

  1. Far from a scouting professional. Here's my $.02. That sounds just nutty. What about military kids? How many ID's will they accumulate during their scouting career? Dosn't make sense that we all have a nationally assigned number that will not follow us from council to council. I would call your DE and see what they say. Maybe the registrar is new or just didn't understand what you were asking. Does "starting fresh" mean they start at new scout? Are they previous councils records included in the fresh start?
  2. We just rewaterproofed troop tents and used waterproofing by the gallon spraying it with a back pack weed sprayer. Pack was $20. and waterproofing was less the 35.00/gal. Took more time to set tents than spraying them. Dry time was 6 hrs. A gallon easily did 4/5 tents of our 10x10's.
  3. We use an index box, lined index cards for each book, and for the pocket I glue 1/2 of a small envelope. Be sure and mark book and index card with the number you assign. Books are signed out with name and date and put in the index box. We replace our outdated books as scouts request them or need for summer camp. Eagle required badges are always current. Please check the requirements before you get new phamplets just because they went color or changed picture on front. You can find this at meritbadge.com along with revision dates.
  4. Sorry to hear that you broke your leg. Wish you a speedy recovery. Why not work on some merit badges while you are out of summer camp commission. Reading merit badge and others are some that are not physical in nature to complete. Good luck to you. Check out meritbadge.com and you can look at all the merit badges and then contact your scoutmaster to get started on some merit badges. Use this "down time" to get some merit badges you maybe not otherwise would do. Follow your doctor's instructions and get some merit badges!!!
  5. Sheets! Most times dont even unroll sleeping bag. Bandana for when my neck needs to be cooled off. One thing we take for each scout is a letter(s) from parent/sibs/grandparent/pet etc. They get them on cook in campsite night usually Wednesday. We think it helps. Have fun!!!
  6. I used to think I was the only one who had problems navigating the National website. NOPE!!!! Horrible is the only discriptive word I would use.
  7. Yeah my 14 yr old doesn't get the idea less is more. Hope it sinks in soon.
  8. take a long deep breath and think "we do this for the boys".
  9. Life is too short for that much turmoil. If it was me I'd be looking for another pack and troop. Sounds like too my stress for me. Have you taken any training? If not get on that. Goto Roundtable in you district. Network with other leaders, find a mentor. The whole pack/troop checkbook thing is nothing but wrong. Goodluck sounds like you need alot of it.
  10. we use sharpies as you can get any color in the rainbow.
  11. When we have needed additional rank patch(s) for a scout we have written "replacement" on the form with the scouts name and have not had a problem. We do this for our Eagles so they may have an Eagle rank badge that they do not need to put on a uniform. A keepsake.
  12. AvidSM, are there official requirements from National on the historic merit badges? If there are please post the link. Yes I am getting a little fed up with the delay on getting information on this.
  13. Here is what works for our troop: We have a medicine permission slip for prescription/non prescription meds that they must list what med., amount, time and date to be given. All meds must be in original container with current dosage and only send amount that will be needed for the weekend in a ziplock. I am the one who safe keeps the meds on the trips (always there hubby SM). The scouts get their ziplock and open the bottles and take the meds. If there is a medical emergency I think it is important to know when that scout had whatever med. If a youth needs an over the counter (tylenol, advil, aleve etc) and does not bring it I will contact the parent on the phone and get verbal permission on what and how much. I will never give a med. without talking to a parent. If anyone disagrees with what we do that is fine but this works for us, so please don't tell me what you think is wrong about it as you do not know what meds my scouts take.
  14. Are you talking about making a camp gadget? If you are then you can find staves at your local scout shop. Our scouts have used sticks and such for more light weight gadgets.
  15. Just curious do your troops own GPS units or do they borrow them from somewhere? I don't know of anyone in our troop who has one other than for a auto.
  16. I would polietly reply to dad/mom that when it's possible have little Johnny contact who he needs to contact and consider it handled. Keep replying that way and sooner or later (hope it's sooner) they will get the message that little Johnny needs to do the requesting.
  17. not alot of testosterone here. LOL Why are you cleaning and putting away camping gear? Part of scouting is teaching the scouts responsibility. They do it. Why not sign up as a leader or committee member? You do not have to have previous scout experience. Yeah the scouts can be chaotic at times but that is part of the growing up process. I see lots of positives in scouts such as a scout doing something by himself, Learning responsibility, leadership, accountability to one's self and others, working as a group to obtain a goal and on and on. To me your statement "I'm not involved...." makes me think you feel left out. Sign an application and get involved and see the scouts through the years change and grow will make you proud you did.
  18. I would politely ask for a council produced advancement record for your son. Your district executive (DE) should point you to the right person to request this. You can probley find out who your DE is by council website. If not available there try calling your council office with your district name. This may take a week or two but this is the official record for your son and badges earned will be listed here. New troop cannot dispute want is on the record. No adding or deleting merit badge requirements. Now if a scout would join a new troop and walk in with completed blue cards to the new troop there might be some questions as to why they were not recorded with old troop. Since he got his 1st class recently there are time limits to each rank and requirements that need to be completed within that time frame such as service hours. Have your son stay on top of his time line and request a scoutmaster conference and board of review when the requirements for each future rank are complete and time at rank have been accomplished. http://www.meritbadge.com/info/policy2.htm http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/GuideforMeritBadgeCounselors.aspx www.meritbadge.com keeps their site up to date on rank advancement and merit badge requirements.
  19. What is your position in troop/pack?
  20. A scout pack/troop can only be good as long as there are enough volunteers to help. Did you sign up to help out?
  21. You might want to try Freecycle.org It is for recycling unwanted/wanted items. The stuff will be free. Best wishes on filling your list.
  22. Clean dry clothes before getting in sleeping bag including socks.
  23. A big birthday party. Pin-the-badge on the scout. Different activity station party type. Instead of gifts have everyone bring something for the local food pantry,women's shelter,homeless shelter type of organization. Doesn't have to be food could be tolietries. Have a den competition to see which collects the most items and they get to be first in line for cake. Sing Happy Birthday.
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