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  1. DanKroh- If a Dr will state that your scout will not learn to swim then you need to apply for an alternate requirement. There is a form to fill out, and signed by a DR then submitted to council. The form is available at www.wwswd.org
  2. What we finalized was that the Advancement Chair would take care of submitting and tracking the response from Council. That way we have a paper trail of the changes made. We stressed at Committee that they needed approval before work started. Our Troop meeting was last night and Mom was speaking to the ASM when I got to her. She has a meeting with our Council exec on Monday and he's hoping to hear back from National before then. We also agreed that if the scout attends a Merit badge class he will be awarded a certificate stating something to the effect that he worked on the requirements to the best of his abilities and will be recognized at the CoH. After a long talk with her, she understands the social value of Scouting, but also wants him to be recognized for the effort he exhibits. She feels that may drive him to accomplish more, and I have to agree with that. Hopefully by the time he gets his 2nd or 3rd certificate for a merit badge, he'll actually earn it. Again I want to thank everyone with their help and on this subject! In the words of our Committee Chair - "You are the BEST!"
  3. Had our Committee meeting last night and the Mom attended. We finalized the steps to adjust rank requirements. Then started discussing Merit badges. She is mad that we can't make adjustments to Merit badge requirements. Long story, short - a Committee member suggested that we award the scout with a certificate stating that he "tried" the merit badge. Not sure if she agrees with that yet, she's going to call Council. Nlds, does that troop have a web site? I would love to have someone she can correspond with or even some kind of information to reference with other LD kids involved in the scout program. I've told her many times that her son never has to leave scouts.
  4. We are very fortunate that we have a school employee that specializes in LD as an ASM. He has been working with this boy and parents. Excellent quotes EagleInKy thanks for those, we'll get the book (I checked at the scout store and they are expecting a shipment next week) I like this quote especially and I may use it tonight. Some background: according to the ASM this scout has the mental capacity of a three year old and barely speaks. So his parents know he can't do any of the requirements and that they all need to be adjusted. So they are trying to push him along. We need a plan to slow them down, without turning them away. He's only been in the troop a year and he's ready for his Tenderfoot BoR. He attended a Merit badge class and they feel he should be awarded the badge just because he went and they read the book to him. How do you explain to someone that their son can't be pushed along (like school) without hurting their feelings? The other boys like this kid and we'd like him to stay.
  5. Thanks ljnrsu! That's what I was missing. It's worded differently on the web page than on the actual application. I was blinded by my own insecurity.... I knew you guys would come through. God bless you!
  6. From the wwswd.org website - From the Advancement Committee Policy & Procedures: "Alternate Merit Badges for the Eagle Scout Rank. (page 43) 1. The Eagle Scout rank may be achieved by a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or qualified* Explorer who has a physical or mental disability by qualifying for alternate merit badges. This does not apply to individual requirements for merit badges. Merit badges are awarded only when all requirements are met as stated. 2. The physical or mental disability must be of a permanent rather than a temporary nature. 3. A clear and concise medical statement concerning the Scout's disabilities must be made by a physician licensed to practice medicine, or an evaluation statement must be certified by an educational administrator. 4. The candidate must earn as many of the required merit badges as his ability permits before applying for an alternate Eagle Scout rank merit badge. 5. The candidate must complete as many of the requirements of the required merit badges as his ability permits. 6. The Application for Alternate Eagle Scout Award Merit Badges must be completed prior to qualifying for alternate merit badges. 7. The alternate merit badges chosen must be of such a nature that they are as demanding of effort as the required merit badges. 8. When alternates chosen involve physical activity, they must be approved by the physician. 9. The unit leader and the board of review must explain that to attain the Eagle Scout rank, a candidate is expected to do his best in developing himself to the limit of his resources 10. The application must be approved by the council committee responsible for advancement, utilizing the expertise of professional persons involved in Scouting for people with special needs. 11. The candidate's application for Eagle must be made on the Eagle Scout Rank Application, with the Application for Alternate Eagle Scout Award Merit Badges attached." In the Application For Alternate Eagle Requirements there is no mention of having to complete the requirements as stated. In speaking with our Committee Chair I pointed out the statement in #1 that "Merit badges are awarded only when all requirements are met as stated." Is this all the ammo we need? We're afraid to get this wrong and we haven't gotten anywhere with our local Council. We have a meeting with the mom of the Scout (on Wednesday) and I'd like to have an answer for her, other than we're still checking on it. I knew if anyone could answer the question it would be the great folks who visit this forum!
  7. That seems to be the problem - we don't have anyone specializing in scouts with disabilities. I've scanned the website from Marin County and came to the same conclusion about fulfilling the requirements. I wish I could find a contact at National that could help out. We need a concrete reference point to make the requirements clear to the parents.
  8. Can anyone give me the ruling on Merit Badge requirements for scouts with learning disabilities? I know the Merit badges for Eagle can be substituted with others. Do the requirements have to be completed as stated? We are trying to get a concrete answer. In documentation I've read, the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second and First Class can be modified. It seems to me that while badges can be substituted, the requirements have to be completed as stated. Can anyone back this up? Thanks
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