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Everything posted by karen1970

  1. A leader can be a pack trainer, and work on the pack trainer and cub scouter awards using the same tenure. To take it to another level, the same scouter could also be a commissioner working on the commissioners key and doctrine of commissioner science at the same time - that's a total of four knots.
  2. Hello all, I was recently asked to be a Troop Guide for our Council's upcomming course. I just got my beads this past Oct. Any ideas what I might be getting myself into other than what I was aware of our Troop Guide doing?
  3. Cool! I didn't know that. Thanks!
  4. I was wondering what you all thought about a YMCA chartering a unit. I know BSA has some "roots" if you will with the Y, But I don't believe I have heard of a unit being chartered by the Y.
  5. I just attended the Greater St. Louis Area Council's U of S. They offer a special needs college that is top notch!
  6. Our Council held the Trainers Edge training this past weekend. I helped staff it. We had about 48 people attend. It is quite different than TTT and TDC. Any thoughts about the course? I felt like it left out a lot of the "basics" of training methods. I also felt like the sylabus, as it is, would be virtually impossible to follow as each participant is supposed to come with a 10 minute presentation to present to the group. We solved this issue by putting Scouters in small groups of 6 people...kind of like patrols. Your thoughts would be appreciated as we are holding another training in early June. Thanks.
  7. Hello everyone, I posted this in the general section and perhaps that was the wrong place...sorry... My wife and I are already thinking about our son's future in Boy Scouts. He will be a first year Webelos this comming May. He has a November birthday and will turn 10 this year. We have a very large Bear Den currently and are looking at splitting it when they become Webelos (15 Scouts currently) but still having some combined activities. Our den has a good mix of kids with differing maturity levels and age (recently 8-9 1/2). My questions are as follow: How to split the den...age, maturity level, random? When to cross over boys who earn Arrow of light...all together, when they earn it, ask parents what they want, ask scouts what they want? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Dave.
  8. Hello everyone, My wife and I are already thinking about our son's future in Boy Scouts. He will be a first year Webelos this comming May. He has a November birthday and will turn 10 this year. We have a very large Bear Den currently and are looking at splitting it when they become Webelos (15 Scouts currently) but still having some combined activities. Our den has a good mix of kids with differing maturity levels and age (recently 8-9 1/2). My questions are as follow: How to split the den...age, maturity level, random? When to cross over boys who earn Arrow of light...all together, when they earn it, ask parents what they want, ask scouts what they want? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Dave.
  9. I completed the course in Oct. 08 and every patrol was instructed to elect a permanent patrol leader. No one was told what that means if anything. I was not sure if it was honorary or what. Dave c-09-08 Buffalo
  10. Why are permanent patrol leaders elected at the end of the course? What, if anything, are they supposed to do? Thanks in aedvance for your answers.
  11. Hello...New to posting but not the forums. Karen is my wife's name...I, of course am a guy. I couldn't figure out at first how to register on the forums so she did it for me and, thus, I guess I will be known as karen!lol! Oh well...I look foreward to being able to post and engage in conversation with you all.
  12. My 9 yr old son joined Cub Scouts this yr and my question is does your husband(dad)do most of the den/outings with your son or do you? It seems like Cub Scouts is more of a father/son thing am I right?
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