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Everything posted by Kalquest

  1. As a fairly new cubmaster myself here is what I found works for my pack. Rubber Chickens! ... Yes, full sized rubber flexible dangly chickens. The cubs LOVE them. I have a Rubbermaid box filled with little knick-knacks stuff you accumulate over the years with kids of your own. The kind of stuff that just builds up till you have mountains of it and need to weed it out, rubber frogs, plastic toys, happy meal stuff, etc. As my pack meeting progresses the dens which continue to behave in an appropriate manner or are the quickest to quiet down when ears up sign is given are awarded a chicken. At meetings end a tally of chickens is taken and what den (or dens in case of a tie) has the most chickens gets a trip to the "cubby box". All the chickens get returned for the next pack meeting. The cubs have responded so well to this that some people from my pack were talking about it and I was approached by another cub master to borrow my chickens while he waited for his to arrive via mail order. He tells me it went as well for his pack as it has been working for mine. Now if I could only find the "rubber chicken" to keep my parents as quiet as my cubs. Kal
  2. Hello! new guy here :-) I never was a Scout as a kid. I grew up in New York City and it wasn't "cool" among the kids I hung around with. so I missed out on all this my first time around. Now I have two boys of my own... in the 4 years I have been involved with scouting i have gone from assistant den leader, to Co-Leader, and Assistant Cubmaster to Cubmaster. with the end of this year my oldest son will be moving on to Boy Scouts and my Den Level Duties will move on with him. I will continue on with my youngest as Cubmaster for the additional years he stays a cub. Then I plan to move up to the boy Scouts with him. thats a bit of my scouting history. as for my scouting present and future, I keep looking for better ways to do things. New ways to hold the boys interest, new places to go, and new things to do. thats why Im here... that, and to share in the joys, misery, and cameradarie, that can be found by immersing yourself in a pool of others sharing the same fate. that said, I hope to see yall around. Kal
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