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  1. I agree with all of the above. With small packs it is hard not to end up doing several things at once. Look forward to one position only. Thanks for the welcome message, Kristi! Look forward to meeting you. Will be at Camp Buck Toms tomorrow with my son. Tom Newman
  2. Welcome, Scott! I am in my second year as Cubmaster. The first year was a little rough learning the ropes. First lesson was PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! This year seems to be much clearer. Good Luck! Tom Newman
  3. Had we taken this route, we would still meet on at the school as an off campus group and the school was willing to allow this. As I said earlier, we seem to have convinced the school to back down on some of the fundraising limitations.
  4. The CO was willing to give up their role as CO to get us around this problem. They were not adversarial, just determined to control all types of fundraising on campus. They were willing to relinquish all claim and responsibility to pack and Pack # as per Council's instructions.
  5. New Update: First, the problem was the CO limiting our fundraising due to school policy (2 weeks for popcorn sales and 2 days for selling Chik-Fil-A calendars{approved by Council}). Next, a very senior SACS official reversed the opinion of the first SACS official and said that the CO (a private school) should not concern itself with BSA pack fundraising. So now we are back in negotiations with CO on compromising on fundraising. Per our Council officials, we were encouraged to adopt a new CO with the present CO's permission and BSA review. There are several "group of concerned citizens" COs in our council. Fortunately this may be avoided if our CO will follow the lead of the rest of the nation and not insist of control of our funds and fundraising. We think we have made progress. This forum has helped me by illustrating that different people have different opinions and one should persistently ask questions. Thanks to all. Any further comments are welcome and appreciated.
  6. Well, I guess the bottom line is that most schools who are the Charter Organization allow boys from other schools in the pack and don't care who handles the funds. Since the school also insists of limiting our fundraising time, we have decided, with the District's blessing, to change Charter Orgs. With "a group of concerned citizens" as our CO, we hope to be free to fundraise our way to a successful pack. Any comments?
  7. All of the packs in our area maintain their own checking accounts. Our District officials seem to agree. I'm getting confused here?
  8. My pack at a private school has run into a major problem. The President of the school feels that SACS accredidation policies indicate that the school should control all funds raised by students. All of our cub scouts are students. We meet on campus and the school is our Charter Organization. Our District contacted BSA and got the response of "We don't know of any CO controlling pack funds." SACS has been slow in answering this and we are still waiting. I can't believe this is even an issue. Anyone have any experience here???
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