When I was a Boy Scout in 1957 we all wore our full uniforms to school the day of a troop meeting. We were really proud to do that and it was a perfectly normal thing to do. The true popularity test of the BSA uniform today is demonstrated by kids like my 15 year old son, who is an Eagle Scout, a troop instructor and leader, who attended the 2001 National Jamboree and has four full uniforms that are model examples of regulations... He would never dream of wearing a uniform to school... his worst nightmare if he did! He always wears a T-shirt (skateboard or electric guitar logo) under his uniform shirt and quickly peels off the Class A's as soon as he gets to the car after a troop meeting or campout. In the proper situations of Scouting the uniform is fine for him, but in the normal world it is not. With so many important issues as a parent today I have to choose my battles to make the most of my influence, so it isn't something I find essential to argue with him about. Any active Scouter knows that our older Scouts today find Uniforming as one of the most disagreeable Methods of Scouting, one they try to opt out of as soon as they can. When they do accept the need for a uniform at Scouting activities, we often find it helpful to let them express some individual preference by wearing a non-standard belt or some goofy skateboard shoes, and don't press the need for a hat that might muss up their carefully done teenager hair!