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Everything posted by k9gold-scout
There is a reason that they don't just hand out the Eagle applications to scouts until they are Life scouts. In our council not too long ago a Star scout had a signed workbook with his Eagle project - the scoutmaster approved his project, then the district advancement person forgot to ask one question - Are you a Life scout? The Star scout did the project with signed approval - the final result - he would have to do another project after he offically became a Life scout.
Let's back up a little, first you need to get the Eagle Scout Application (Life to Eagle) fron your local BSA office. The application explaines the steps you need to take to get to Eagle.Yes you do need signatures from your scoutmaster (Eagle Advisor) and the group that is lettting you do your project and your district Eagle advancement person. It is very important to follow the instructions. Your plan must be in writing and it must be signed then you can start to count your hours. GOOD LUCK from the dog scout!
Two years ago we had a troop of 60 with 24 Life scouts. Now we have 17 Life scouts. We have week long backpacking trips every year in addition to summer camp. We have always had a venture patrol in our troop but when most scouts get Eagle they just don't show up. One of the biggest complaints was that the scoutmaster has them teach the new scouts every time they come. Now we started a Venture Crew and they only show up at troop meetings to carn credit for their Venture requirement. There is more skills that they need to teach and they feal like they are in charge. We have one or two Eagle projects every month, and another court of honor for a new Eagle scout.
Our Venture Crew has OD booney hats (good to keep you cool) for outings and black berets for dress cermonies.
A wagon on a backpacking trip
k9gold-scout replied to k9gold-scout's topic in Open Discussion - Program
The wagon was a pull type with big tires and high sides (good for garden work). Yes the adults who were on the hike had discussed bringing the wagon prior to the outing. Here is a little more info on the "Wagon Incident" Here is another quote from the letter sent to the parents: "All ot the boys on the outing considered the wagon to be, as much a toy, as a tool. For example, some of the younger scouts were very excited about how many times it tiped over during a run to collect water. I had seen the older three scouts use the wagon recklessly the day before. Because of these my observations, I was aware that the three scouts would not respect the wagon, but I did'nt anticipate the damage outcome sufficiently to stop or supervies their journey... Summary: I cannot decide my responsibilty verses the culpability of others. I cannot balance the values of letting boys have fun holding them responsible. Please help me decide what should be done." -
On our troop's last backpacking overnight several adults decided that a wagon would be a "necessary vehicle to facilitate advancement for cooking requirements." As one of the parents of one of the older scouts I received a letter from the outing leader (not the scoutmaster): "A wagon, borrowed for the outing, was damaged to the point that monetary reparations may need to be made to the owner of the wagon. I need help making the decision requarding who should pay for the damage. I beleave that the damage to the wagon should be paid for by one, or a combination, of these three principals; myself, and/or the three scouts... and/or the troop. ...the three older scouts (were) handling the wagon during the most sigificent damage to the wagon." The three older scouts 1 Eagle and 2 Life volunteered to go along to help the younger scouts. They brought their own equipment and only helped the younger scouts when asked. The new scouts could not push it up the hill to the campsite 2 miles from the paved road. The older scouts said that they had never saw a wagon on a backpacking trip. They also said they did not intesionally damage the wagon and it was hard to stop from tumbleing down the trail.
One year we sent one homesick scout to the first aid lodge(staffed by a Dr. and a nurse), after two days he was back to activities with the troop.Yes he did call home and the parents spoke with the camp staff and decided to leave him there for another day, then all was well.
You can do either or both, depending on the adult leadership and the drive of the scouts. The only thing different about a venture patrol (13-18) is the little patch "venture scout" worn above the pocket and the "V" and pins the can earn on thier sash. The Venturing program requires a seperate unit called a crew with officers (scouts 14-21) who run their own program. Adults are only advisors. Venture Crews work towards Venture Bronze, Gold, Silver, and Ranger in addition to Eagle Scout.
As a scout leader I think that we should encourage the scouts to express their own views and to make them aware of the spirtual side of their existance. I would much rather hear the scouts talking (praying in their own fashion) with each other than listen to the adults preach to them. Yes sometimes they take a little encouragement; and I am not suggestion to hide your own religious faith, but just like everything in scouting - it is better done by the scouts themselves.
No, usually not, only if the scout has a documented medical condition preventing his from finishing a specific requirement then a substitute requirement would be considered. If he is just overweight he needs either to loose weight or do the requirements as stated.
Call your Dist. Exc or your troop Comish. they may be able to help. Go to your local mall bus. office and get permission to set up a scout info (best on weekends) booth. Get posters from your scout shop (videos too) if you have a tv/video player. Be in uniform and pass out troop flyers and have applications ready. GOOD LUCK.
Several years ago it was much easier to pass the simming requirements. Swimming MB was also easier, but now the scouts are becoming better swimmers. I can relate to boys having a hard time learning to swim, at 16 I had many merit badges but I could not swim. There was no way around it, Eagle Scouts swim. After many months of lessions at the Y, I could do it even Lifesaving (after another year of pratice) seemed easy. First encourage the scout to take lesssions. Secound if you have any BSA Lifeguards in your troop, appoint them instructors and assign them to teach this boy how to swim. Finally offer encouragement but don't let him quit.
Two places to start:: www.macscouter.com www.eaglebook.com CONGRATULATIONS!
In our area the OA and JLTC use nametags. Most older scouts like them. I have mixed fealings about names on younger scouts, cubs no, but 1st class scouts OK.
Yes, national should authorize the old ranger knot for venture scouts. They should make the other knots on green. I think many venture scouts and advisors would buy the knots on green if they were official.
Most boards of review will like to see at least 100 hours in a project. Keep good records and take lots of pictures. Remember you must have your project approved before you start to count your time. GOOD LUCK!
How Do You Stop a Runaway Troop?
k9gold-scout replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Out troop started in 1952 it quickly had over 100 scouts, so the first scoutmaster started a secound troop. It also grew to over 100. He stayed on as scoutmaster of both troops for many years. Today both these troops still have over 50 scouts each and they are located within a few miles of eachother. Just think what one man did 50 years ago has brought scouting to thousands of boys in our community. -
Smoe Venture Crews now use the stripes for officers and wear black berets. Booney hats are available at the scout shop or you can order your own troop's custom hat from classb.com
Scouting is a great program as long as a the adults don't get in the way. The experience is for the child to grow into a responsable adult. You may need to look at 3 - 4 troops till you find right one. Good luck!
Need help to find online downloadable plans
k9gold-scout replied to hippychik42's topic in Advancement Resources
Call the AKC Agility V.P. (Patrica Krause) at (919)816-3575 or the general agility # (919)816-3725. GREAT IDEA! -
Adults can earn ;the BSA Lifeguard (same requirements) and there are many high adventure and historic trails awards that any adult can earn. Many fo these are medals with ribbons. They make nice wall decorations for your office. Sure an easy way to find out which people you know are scouts.
The only time out trop mares sure that shirts are tucked in is at assembly. If everyone just stands and waits for the few scouts to tuck in their shirts. 10 or 20 secounds with the whole troop stairing at a few scouts can seem like a long time. Only about once per year dose the SM have to tell a scout that the troop is waiting for him.
Over the years I have signed hunrdeds of blue cards and it seem that less than 30% were signed by their SM. At first I would send the scout packing back to his troop for a proper adult to sign the blue card. I can't recall when I asked, that a scout was told that the SM would not sign for the scout to start a badge. However I have been on the staff that had to confront an irrate SM who did not understand that when the counselor signs the card, the scout has the badge. Now if a counselor is changing the requirements he should be reported to the Advancement Comm. and they should take action. Parents and scouters should be welcome to sit in on any session with the MB counselor. I have found some new volunteers this way. I have heard "I could do this" - YES you could just sign on the dotted line.
Most of this info can be found on the Pine Tree Web.
Your district could use your help. If ypou are an experienced ASM, let your knowledge help other troops needing assistance. Yes working with the scouts is the most important, but the program needs help on all levels. The reason scouting has a strong program is the scouters working throuthout the BSA.