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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. Yes SM-Ron, all 18 badges were given by the uncle. It seems this was a dispute between this scout and the new scoutmaster. I haver since been told that this boy was trublesome and the was "told" to take care of his own advancement? It has ben resolved, the boy is in a new troop and he is retaking the badges in question and will have a sm conf. and board in his new troop. THANKS EVERYONE for the help.
  2. I was told this issue was settled but at the last troop comm. meeting some members wanted the scouts to pay for the damage. Most members of the board had never spoke with any of the scouts involved, the scouts would like to tell their story since they are being blamed and they should have to pay for the damages.
  3. Recently I was told that a scout's parents were turning in advancement reports for their son without telling the scoutmaster. The councli office had already told the mother she could not do this and had pulled the 4 advancement reports she had turned in. These included 2 rank adcancements and 18 merit badges. Since I was the Dist. Adv. Chair. I called the mother to see if I could help work-out the problem. She told me that her brother signed the blue cards and approved the rank. She said that he brother was a very active scouter and was a merit badge couselor for many years. When I told her I could not find his name on any list in our council, she said he was no longer that active. The only advice I could give the mother was, that since her son had finished all the requirements for the badges, her son could see the officila counselors to be signed off on the requirements. Then he would need a board of review in his troop.
  4. I have been told that this would be too hard for boy scouts but our ventur scouts will try a wilderness weekend. They will make their own survival kits under 2lbs. They will go to a remote area find their food strain their water and build a fire without matches. Then on the way back circle around several times off trail before starting the compass corse back to the parking area. Yes we will have radios and cell phone + GPS for emergency. For many years I asked if the scouts could spend an overnight with their "10 list", but many said no.
  5. When my son went on his first overnight as a boy scout I received some good advice from a leader I respected. He said "walk away and let the boys handle it." My son is now a Venture Scout and I am an AA but I will never tell him to do anything directly on any activity.
  6. Our troop will not sell popcorn. Several years ago we looked at all the different fundraisers we do and popcorn was the least profitable for our troop. We have not sold popcorn for the last 3 years. We have not had any pressure from council as yet.
  7. In our area the Dist . Advance. Chair. receives a copy of all advancement in his district, including the blue cards. The council keeps a copy ot the report in each units' folder. They only forward a brief total report to National. The advancemnt person may or may not look at each report. The council only has an office person review the advancement when the Eagle Book and application is turned in to schedual a Eagle Board.
  8. Most pro-scouters I have known are not motivated by the $. Yes top scout exc make good money buy anyone in a like job would make more. They need the experience too. Now if they were to send the office staff, I would have a question about all the overtime.
  9. I have seen this issue several times, the scout needs to get letters explaining the problem and how it occured. If he has finished all the requirements for Eagle Scout by the date he turned his application to the local council office he should be able to receive his rank. This process can take several months so be patient. First your appeal is to your local council where you should have letters form any Advancement Comm. and a Scout Exc. National usually approvs the opinion of the local council.
  10. Keep the outing in scouting. Get out - wear the uniform - wave the flags - sing - have fun. This is the basis of our program. Use scouting as a game and the kids will learn about living a better life.
  11. Try ebay and look for an old explorer long sleeve shirt. You can buy a "venturing bsa" strip at your local shop and they also have them at national supply. You can wear an official shirt as long as it is serviceable. Our crew voted to wear swat black pants under $30 (not on sale). Lots of pockets and high quality tough pants, we wear then either on the trail or at meetings.
  12. "Judges in San Francisco are being being barred from associating with the Boy Scouts bacause of the Scouts' oppition to homosexuals being in leadership positions. The new policy, adopted by the city's Superior Court, prohibits the court's judges and commissioners from participating in any organization that excludes members... on the grounds that their sexual orientation renders them... 'immoral' or 'unfit.' " by Stuart Shepard, 8-9-02 "CitizenLink"
  13. The scoutmaster is responsable for all advancement, however he may delegate this authority to others in the troop including Jr. leaders. Your troop should have a policy on who is approved to sing off any requirement.
  14. We have a large troop and have a supply of every rank patch and card. We also hav a few Eagle Presentation boxes on hand (our scout shop often runs out). I have seen too many errors at our local council office and I think the scout need not wait wile I correct the error or shortage.
  15. The scout should receive his rank patch either right after his board of review or at the next meeting. Then he should receive his rank card at the next Court of Honor. Eagle Scout is the exception, he needs to wait until he receives notification from the National Council.
  16. In our area (left coast) many scouts do not wear the full uniform (scoutmasters too). Some scouts think that if they wear the shirt, they are "in uniform". The most common reason an Eagle Scout Canidate is sent home without a board of review is that he is not in a full uniform.
  17. The more adults the better, the lack of adults can only limit your program. If an adult starts attending camping and hiking trips they are usually willing to take the training. If you have 4 or more adults on wilderness trips just get 2 permits and camp in 2 areas along the trail when necessary. That way you can take 2x the scouts.
  18. I have noticed that many of the scout exc and some of the top volunteers have many uniforms and they often choose to wear a shirt with few decorations. When asked, the answer I received was, "It gives a more simpler appearence in public". I liked the idea and only wear my knots on my troop shirt.
  19. Yes, 1st class in one year can work. Has it worked for every scout, no. However, I do think that there are more younger Eagle Scouts now than in the past. Just how many of them will continue either in a troop or in a venture crew, only time will tell. Personally I like the Ranger progran and I think there are many new skills that Eagle Scout can aquire to become even better outdoorsmen.
  20. Our troop is on a 50 miler this week (3 adults & 8 scouts) they have 5 CB radios and 4 cell phones with them. Any other type of electronics are for transportation use only.
  21. Our troop elimated the medical exam problem by requiring all scouts and any ASM to have his medical on file in our "medical book". We update these (5 copies) every year. As far as training, we schedual a SM basic for all new parents (and any adults we missed last year). Same for youth protection. Yes some parents flake out on their duties but being a scout for 7 years dosn't make an Eagle Scout either.
  22. My idea would be to keep the color and style but change the fabric and the cut. Zip off pants and roll up long sleve shirts would be good. I would like to see the old square insigna for jr leaders and the round ones for adults.
  23. Your troop can design it's own sholder patch as long as it meets certain standers and is approved by your dist exc and everyone in the troop wears the same patch. Many troops do this for their 25 - 50 - 75 anniversity, they look sharp and are usually cheeper than the council patches and numbers. However less than 50 will cost more.
  24. The American public overwelmingly supports scouting. It is only the medis thats reports on negative stories. Troops need to have more public (easily seen) service. Set up tables at farmers markets, offer a color guard for local events, plan community service projects where people can see the work; what scouts do will attrack new members
  25. One thing we can do as scouters is to encourage our pack, troop, or crew to do service projects and events where the public weill see scouts in uniform working and having fun. Get a unit banner and put it up any time you are in public view. With over 100 million scouts (past & present) there is a lot of support for our program. We need to use this to grow and bring scouting to more boys (girls too - in venturing). Media coverage will come.
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