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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. This would be a good topic for The Art Bell midnight radio program.This would surely appeal to the people who make up a survival kit of gold and ammo.
  2. The BSA should organize an event or rally to support American service men and women. In the past the BSA has worked with the VFW and the USO. What can we do now?
  3. My son uses the "crap" word for anything he thinks that is inferior, and I am always on his case for it. The official uniform today is much less servicable the when I was a scout. The pants need to be improved first then the shirt. Each troop should have their own Class B shirt. We ues a red t-shirt with our logo. A waterproof breatheable jacket would be nice. Yes no camo.
  4. If an APL needs to receive credit for leadership, he can take another ledership job that will count for advancement.
  5. Marksmanship - at that time scouts could only shooting was with a .22. I relcevied this MB in '64, I think it was changed to rifle shooting.Then shotgun shooting was added. Scout would shoot Moskeet with .22 shot. That is small clay birds that would only fly 25' - 50'.
  6. If a scout is near this 18th birthday and he is having a paperworl problen, he needs to apply for a 6 month extension. Include letters from Scoutmasters who are familar with his suitation. Start with you local council and they should forward these to national.
  7. Our Venture Crew is sponsored by the National Guard. The rule about not wearing camo uniforms is not a Boy Scout reg. but comes under the uniform code of military conduct. We are invited on militry bases and we are not to be seen in camo at any time. Yes we voted to wear BDU pants but we wear solid black pants and red shirt and jacket so we stand out in the field with soldiers. Yes we know that some youth groups do wear camo BDU's but scout units don't wear BDU's or drill with weapons fake or otherwise, but we have fired a tank!
  8. I have found old explorer uniforms on ebay. They are the same color except they don't have sholder loops. You can buy the Venturing BSA strip from your scout shop.
  9. Inland Empire Council in Spokane WA has a trip down the Clark Fork in Montana and the Montana Council has a trip on the Missouri River. Both are on the Lewis and Clark Trail - check out the website on the net compass page.
  10. My son bought one about 3 years ago for use on JLTC staff. I have seen them in our council's scout shop.
  11. God bless you all at Scouter.com - HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  12. You can include the city and state in your # patch as long as everyone in your troop wears the same patch. You can order these from www.classb.com
  13. In our council the Advancement Comm. will interview the Progran Director of each camp to make sure that they know the correct procedure for signing blue cards. If possible some members of the comm. will visit different camps and make a report, and improvements will be suggested.
  14. Out troop's 50th was this year we celebrated with a Troop-o-ree in a local park. We set up a campsite and did a scout skills demo. We provided a scout cooked lunch for anyone in the park (no charge - no donations). Yes we did gel local elected officials and several past scouts to come by. Best of all the scouts had a good time. After lunch we had a brief awards cermony and we handed out a special troop # patch.
  15. Our troop has been running about 60 for the last 7 years. Our orginal Cub Pack folded about 5 years ago. Now we try to invite cubs on troop activites that they would enjoy. We do get a large shair of older scouts change troops for our backpacking program. The only drawback is you need to plan both easy hikes for the younger scouts and longterm hikes for the more experienced scouts. About half of our scouts hike, while some just stick around for other camping and fun activities. This year we had 10 eagle scouts (7 are backpackers) and most younger scouts went to the projects.
  16. Our troop has been running about 60 for the last 7 years. Our orginal Cub Pack folded about 5 years ago. Now we try to invite cubs on troop activites that they would enjoy. We do get a large shair of older scouts change troops for our backpacking program. The only drawback is you need to plan both easy hikes for the younger scouts and longterm hikes for the more experienced scouts. About half of our scouts hike, while some just stick around for other camping and fun activities. This year we had 10 eagle scouts (7 are backpackers) and most younger scouts went to the projects.
  17. Several of the local amusemaen parks have toys for Tots weekends. Anyone can get in free with a new toy. We just have a small toy drive and the scouts and their parents enjoy a day as a troop outing at the park. We have a group lunch at one of their picknic areas.
  18. Where is the ASPL - Troop Guide - Patrol Leaders (by rank)? Use the chain of command and appoint the next highest leader to take SPL.
  19. The basic difference is that right wing christans are not killing women and children as their primary target. If anyone said that Jesus Christ would marry a Miss World contestant there would be no Christians out to kill people. The Jews are only defending themselves against those who intend to kill them. No side is 100% good or evil but the scale is not balanced. If Hitler could have been stoped in the early days of WWII with thousands dead, there would not have been 10 million dead.
  20. Sctmom - The reason these parents did not tell the young gay man of BSA policy was 1st, They still say that they disagree with the policy and 2nd, they did not want to hurt anyone fealings and they did not want to hear any additional complaints. In our area gays have been able to cause units to move by puting pressure on the CO's. Here in LA-LAland the gay loby is very strong, Here is where an Eagle Scout Honor Guard was booed at the Dem. Convention.
  21. I don't know weather it is an official policy but, for younger scouts, "youth protection" is the program. In older scouts (Venture age) they are using "ethics in action".
  22. Our troop is located between Hollywierd and West LA, a very liberal area. Our troop has more than a few parents who say that they would like to see gays a scoutleaders. Last year, a young gay man wanted to be a scoutleader. He said he liked to backpack and was a experienced camper and he would liked to take the scouts on long term trips. Now the same parents who said it would be fine to have gays leaders, said they did not want this young man to be out with their children. They told him that only parents could be leaders in our troop.
  23. Yes, if the CO wants the used scout equipment and they want to save the # for another future troop, they can. However if they have no use for the equipment and as if we were told " if you leave it here we will just put it in the trash" it seems to be OK to take it. The same was true about our unit #.
  24. Our troop has moved many times over the years, we have always been able to take our equipment and our troop # with us. This has been under a agreenent with the CO and council. My advice is "work it out" scouts are more important than equipment!
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