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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. For years I have been a MB counselor for 14 MB. Several of these, I was the only MC counselor in our council. I have often presented several badges with like requirement into learing sesions and camping trips so that at the end of several months of work the group would receive up to 3 badges. Yes my son did earn 5 MB from me along with other scouts in groups. He finished his boy scout advancement with over 50 MB. As long as you are willing to teach your skills to other scouts I see no reason you should exclude your own son. However I would have my son see other counselors when they were available.
  2. Each year our council has about a dozen Eagle Scout Certificates that are not picked up and after several months they are mailed out to their last known address 4 or 5 come back and may never be picked up.
  3. France and Germany have had an influt ot middle eastern immigrants - 40 million + mostly Muslum. These are not terriosts but they are very sympahetic to any Muslum country. The French and Germans do not want to offend their new neighbors. The other less important reason is the investment these countries have in the current middle eastern dictators. My $.02
  4. Sorry about the 2 posts it seems I am having "user error" sending my message(s).
  5. Welcome to you, a scout from the home of the founder of all scouting. I have been an advisor for a venturing crew for over a year now and each meeting I have less and less to say. The scouts find out that they like running the program. The president runs the meeting and delegates any work to other crew members. The better the crew runs the less the adults do. Young adults are ready to take over just show then the trail.
  6. Welcome to you, a scout from the home of the founder of all scouting. I have been an advisor for a venturing crew for over a year now and each meeting I have less and less to say. The scouts find out that they like running the program. The president runs the meeting and delegates any work to other crew members. The better the crew runs the less the adults do. Young adults are ready to take over just show then the trail.
  7. The reason our venture crew picked the black BDU's. was; we had adult (father of one of the cubs) on the LAPD swat. He said these pants never wear out. We order them from Beals a police supply co. under $30.
  8. The "scout is reverent patch" is available from national supply and many local scout shop. If they don't have it they can order it for you. As far as I know there are no specific requirements for this patch.
  9. If you live in an urban area your crew fan hook up with an Explorer Fire unit and many times they will have access to paramed and ermengcy prep. classes and they my wave the fees.
  10. I always encourage parents to sit in on merit badge sessions, but I do tell them not to coach their son or to answer any questions. The can make coments after the session is over. Part of the process of earning a MB is releating to new adults. Now he can prepair and know the subjet but he must be able to explain the requirements to the counselor and he must do everything that is required.
  11. I always encourage parents to sit in on merit badge sessions, but I do tell them not to coach their son or to answer any questions. The can make coments after the session is over. Part of the process of earning a MB is releating to new adults. Now he can prepair and know the subjet but he must be able to explain the requirements to the counselor and he must do everything that is required.
  12. I always encourage parents to sit in on merit badge sessions, but I do tell them not to coach their son or to answer any questions. The can make coments after the session is over. Part of the process of earning a MB is releating to new adults. Now he can prepair and know the subjet but he must be able to explain the requirements to the counselor and he must do everything that is required.
  13. I always encourage parents to sit in on merit badge sessions, but I do tell them not to coach their son or to answer any questions. The can make coments after the session is over. Part of the process of earning a MB is releating to new adults. Now he can prepair and know the subjet but he must be able to explain the requirements to the counselor and he must do everything that is required.
  14. If your council has an advancement comm. they need to be given this information. Also you may try the district comish. This troop is not upholding the standards of scouting. I have seen Eagle mills but they usually just bend the rules, this troop is just ignoring them. If you don't get any action, write a letter to national. It may take so time but things will improve.
  15. The first one worked fine for me. The secound site took me to something with nothing to do with scouting.
  16. The Venturing green square knots are $2.50 each, Go to http://www.sageventure.com/venturing/knots.htm
  17. The "Venture" strip on a tan boy scout uniform is a sr. boy scout in a troop. They wear the Red Loops. The Green Loops are for "Venturing" a scout in a seperate "Venturing Crew". It is a seperate program.
  18. If you are trying to track down your old Eagle Scout award and you don't have your certificate or card, first call the National council and try to speak with someone who knows about the Eagle Scout records. Next send in as much info. as you have. Any time you have more - send it in with letters from scouts who knew you were an Eagle. For OA try the camp where your lodge is located many have the names in the old buildings. Most other info will be gone. Good Luck.
  19. No - or yes? Venturing Crews can choose their own uniforms with a few restrictions. Now if the scouts voted on the BSA tan shirt with green loops and put it in their bylaws - OK. Now other crews may think you were - not with the program - rember Venturing Scouts are not older Boy Scouts. It is a BSA program, but the idea is to give more control to the scouts. I have never saw a Crew wearing the tan shirts with green loops. YIV Jim AA Crew 746 - WALCC
  20. We need you. The scouts need you (they may not tell you now, but they will rember). The best advice I can give- the boys come first. Show them how to take charge and run their own show. Good Scouting!
  21. Please pass on our Best Wishes and our Prayers. Troop 139 Sherman Oaks, CA Crew 746 Van Nuys, CA WLACC
  22. Ranger Camp is for Venturing Crews. It is slated for July 27 - Aug 1 this year. It will be at Camp Merril with the US Army 5th Ranger Train. Batl. Info. at http://www.nega-bsa.org/highadventure/rangercamp.shtml
  23. Go to - www.meritbadge.com - they will have any new requirements.
  24. When I said Take a job, I meant that the SM wouild appoint the job to the scout whed he asks to do it. This is the way I have seen it hapen in most troops. If a scout just wants to advance with any leadership job he may not do it. He needs to have some idea what is expected to receive credit for leadership.
  25. Thanks for the ideas. I like the idea about helping dependents, we might be able to work in some merit badges for the scouts (home repair - plumbing - landscape arch.) I will bring them up at our next meeting and see what the scouts think what would be best. I will also make an announcement at the next council meeting.
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